11 LC 28 5621S

The Senate State and Local Governmental Operations Committee offered the following substitute to SR 265:


Creating the Joint Study Committee on State-Local Government Mandate Review; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the State of Georgia has imposed numerous mandates on local governments which involve programs, reporting requirements, and regulations and procedures; and

WHEREAS, many of these mandates are wasteful, unneeded, unheeded, and out of date; and

WHEREAS, it would be beneficial to study these mandates to determine if they are still needed and are appropriately tailored to meet the needs of the state and local governments.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY that there is created the Joint Study Committee on State-Local Government Mandate Review to be composed of four members of the Senate to be appointed by the chairperson of the Senate State and Local Governmental Operations Committee, one of whom shall be of a different political party than such chairperson, and four members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The chairperson of the Senate State and Local Governmental Operations Committee shall designate a cochairperson from among the Senate appointees and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall designate a cochairperson from among the House appointees. The committee shall meet at the call of the cochairpersons.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is created an advisory task force to be composed of representatives of the Association County Commissioners of Georgia, the Georgia Municipal Association, the Department of Community Affairs, the Georgia Assocation of Regional Commissions, and others as approved by the cochairpersons to provide staff support to the committee.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee shall undertake a comprehensive study and review of all state laws, programs, reporting requirements, regulations, and procedures that impact county and municipal government operations relating to comprehensive planning, developments of regional impact, and solid waste reporting requirements to determine the current need for and effectiveness of such laws, programs, reporting requirements, regulations, and procedures and include in its final report any recommendations for changes to state law, changes to state agency rules or regulations, and any changes to ongoing reporting requirements. The committee may conduct its meetings at such places and at such times as it may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to exercise fully and effectively its powers, perform its duties, and accomplish the objectives and purposes of this resolution. The members of the committee shall receive the allowances authorized for legislative members of interim legislative committees from the funds appropriated to the Senate and House of Representatives but shall receive the same for not more than three days unless additional days are authorized. The committee is directed to make a report of its findings and recommendations, with suggestions for proposed legislation, if any, not later than December 31, 2011. The committee shall stand abolished on December 31, 2011.