10 LC 94 3550
Senate Resolution 1644
By: Senators Buckner of the 44th and Tolleson of the 20th


Commending Georgia's Legacy; Older Women! (GLOW) and 2010 GLOW honoree Margery Bouris; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Georgia's Legacy; Older Women! is an organization which recognizes the many contributions of women who are past the usual age of retirement but who remain actively engaged in business, employment, or volunteering; and

WHEREAS, this organization and its incredible members promote community service and encourage women to make a difference in the areas of the arts, education, women's health issues, finance, and safety issues concerning children and senior citizens; and

WHEREAS, the organization also encourages its members to address global relations and international affairs and to assist other women in becoming economic and business leaders in Georgia and the nation; and

WHEREAS, GLOW also places special emphasis on women in public service and recognizes the efforts and accomplishments of its fellow members; and

WHEREAS, Margery Bouris has been selected as a 2010 GLOW honoree for her outstanding community service and contributions to others; and

WHEREAS, a member of the Friends of McIntosh Reserve, Margery Bouris grows blackberries and donates the profits to the Whitesburg Public Library, an institution she helped found; and

WHEREAS, the citizens of Georgia owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to GLOW and 2010 GLOW honoree Margery Bouris for their many contributions to their communities and this state and the positive role models they represent for women of all ages.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Georgia's Legacy; Older Women! for promoting generous volunteer service and selfless efforts to improve the quality of life within Georgia communities and extend congratulations to 2010 GLOW honoree Margery Bouris.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to 2010 GLOW honoree Margery Bouris.