10 LC 94 3370
Senate Resolution 1539
By: Senators Ramsey, Sr. of the 43rd and Buckner of the 44th


Recognizing and commending Reverend Cheryl R. Collins; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Reverend Cheryl L. Collins has demonstrated her commitment to teaching the Gospel, witnessing Christ through word and deed, and addressing the physical, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual needs of others; and

WHEREAS, Reverend Collins served as a guardian of this nation's freedom and liberty with the United States Army where she was awarded the Bronze Star Medal of Valor for her service; and

WHEREAS, a native of Louisiana, Reverend Collins studied Christian education at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, Georgia; and

WHEREAS, her vision and direction have helped Pleasant Hill C.M.E. Church grow in size and influence, uplifting the community like the light of Bethlehem and serving as a spiritual leader and place for fellowship; and

WHEREAS, affectionately known as "Preacher Girl," Reverend Collins has been recognized with numerous honors and awards, including the Servant of the Year Award; and

WHEREAS, she was called upon by the Commanding General of the United States Army to escort prisoners of war home from the Gulf War; and

WHEREAS, whether the task is preparing a sermon, visiting the sick, counseling the troubled, baptizing a new believer, or acting as a theologian, educator, administrator, or humanitarian, Reverend Collins serves as a shining example of God's righteous path; and

WHEREAS, the unmatched spiritual assistance offered by Reverend Collins is a source of strength and direction for persons in all walks of life and from all economic strata; and
WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that this enduring example of God's message of peace and love be recognized and congratulated for her innumerable good works rendered on behalf of persons in need.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Reverend Cheryl R. Collins on her amazing service to her congregation and community and extend best wishes for many more years of successful fellowship and leadership.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Reverend Cheryl R. Collins.