10 LC 94 3339
Senate Resolution 1538
By: Senators Thomas of the 54th and Goggans of the 7th


Urging the Georgia Department of Community Health to require patient centered medical home pilot projects be established through care management organizations for the Medicaid population and to establish a pilot project of the patient centered medical home through the State Health Benefit Health Insurance Plans; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, medical homes should provide patient centered care that is accessible, continuous, and coordinated with a focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle for patients with preventive and ongoing health services; and

WHEREAS, the primary care provided at medical homes should be respectful of, and responsive to, individual patient preferences, needs, and values; and

WHEREAS, physicians practicing in medical homes should target eligible individuals for program participation and should be responsible for providing safe and secure technology that promotes patient access to personal health information, for developing a health assessment tool for targeted individuals, and for providing training to personnel involved in the coordination of care; and

WHEREAS, personal physicians in medical homes should be eligible for case management fees and incentive payments for providing "medical home" services; and

WHEREAS, personal physicians who provide first contact and continuous care for their patients should be board certified and have the staff and resources to manage the comprehensive and coordinated care of each of their patients; and

WHEREAS, participating physicians in the program should be specialists or subspecialists for patients requiring ongoing care for specific conditions, for multiple chronic conditions, or for those with a prolonged illness; and

WHEREAS, personal physicians should be responsible for providing ongoing support, oversight, and guidance to implement an integrated, coherent, cross-discipline plan of care developed in partnership with patients and any of their other medical providers; and

WHEREAS, physicians in medical homes should be required to use evidence based medicine and clinical decision support tools to guide their decision making to patient-specific symptoms; and

WHEREAS, the use of health information technology should be required of physicians in medical homes, and patients should be encouraged to engage in management of their own health through education and support systems; and

WHEREAS, the evaluation of the patient centered medical home should be based on patient satisfaction, provider satisfaction, clinical process and outcome measures, program costs and savings, and the economic impact on health care providers; and

WHEREAS, evaluation should be on the extent to which the medical home coordinated health care services, provided safe and high-quality care, encouraged long-term patient and provider relationships, engaged and educated consumers, and encouraged innovation in payment methodologies.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body urge the Georgia Department of Community Health to establish patient centered medical home pilot projects.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Georgia Department of Community Health.