09 LC 94 0314
Senate Resolution 130
By: Senator Hamrick of the 30th


Recognizing and commending the Operation Beautiful Feet team; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, years ago, a Sunday school group of fifth graders at United Methodist Church in Carrollton, Georgia, had a dream to minister the word of God and provide comfort, kindness, and support to the downtrodden and homeless children of Africa; and

WHEREAS, with a promise from their teacher, Joy Griffin, that they would visit Africa if they proved they were dedicated to their cause by raising money and learning about the plight of those less fortunate then them, the students created Operation Beautiful Feet; and

WHEREAS, inspired by scripture, the goal of Operation Beautiful Feet was to travel to Kenya and assist the youngest victims of the continent's AIDS epidemic, the children who have become orphans and homeless after their parents lost their battle with the disease; and

WHEREAS, for years, the students prepared for their trip to Africa by raising funds and training and studying diligently, and their dreams became reality with help from the International Leadership Institute of Carrollton; and

WHEREAS, during their visit to Nairobi, Kenya, an eight-square-mile town in which over 2 million people live, they built a two-story schoolroom in two weeks, clearing the area of garbage, hauling the lumber, and hammering tin to provide the homeless children in the area with a safe place to learn; and

WHEREAS, while in Nairobi, the teenagers of Operation Beautiful Feet went door-to-door to share the Gospel and pray, entertained the townspeople with puppet shows and skits about the Bible, and had the opportunity to teach children the word of God with the help of a translator; and

WHEREAS, during their missionary trip to Africa, Operation Beautiful Feet also traveled to Naivasha, Kenya, where they saw a building, Strong Tower, they had raised funds to have built, which served as the home for 24 previously homeless boys; and

WHEREAS, at Strong Tower, the Operation Beautiful Feet team prepared a garden for the residents to use as a source of food and income, played games with the children, and purchased each boy their first pair of new shoes; and

WHEREAS, with the funds raised by the team, they were able to purchase a generator for Strong Tower so that the boys could live more comfortably in a building with electricity and since their return home, have resumed their fundraising efforts to continue to house the homeless children of Africa; and

WHEREAS, the Operation Beautiful Feet team is made up of 12 remarkable students from Oak Mountain Academy, Bremen High School, and Carrollton High School; and

WHEREAS, the generous and amazing members of Operation Beutiful Feet include Molly Garner, Kelli Allen, Caroline Batch, Chelsea Goodman, Marissa Shunn, Grace Glanton, Carlee Thomas, Katy Flinn, Jamie Swindle, Sam Martin, Kyle Martin, and Caleb Griffin; and

WHEREAS, the trip was also made possible through the direction, leadership, and selfless example provided by chaperone Kelly Glanton and Operation Beautiful Feet's leader, Joy Griffin; and

WHEREAS, Operation Beautiful Feet's remarkable missionary journey and display of kindness and compassion serves as an example of how everyone can make a difference and is worthy of recognition.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Operation Beautiful Feet for their altruistic and magnanimous deeds for the orphans of Africa.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to each member of Operation Beautiful Feet.