12 LC 93 1588
Senate Resolution 1261
By: Senator Chance of the 16th


Recognizing and commending Matthew Moore; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Matthew Moore, a member of the Royal Rangers Outpost 4 in Griffin, Georgia, has been honored with the Gold Medal of Achievement; and

WHEREAS, the Gold Medal of Achievement is the highest award given in the Royal Rangers Ministry; and

WHEREAS, less than 1 percent of all boys that participate in Royal Rangers reach this level of achievement, and Matthew has demonstrated great leadership through years of dedication and hard work; and

WHEREAS, the Royal Rangers is a national boys mentoring program of the Assemblies of God, active in all 50 states and over 65 countries world wide; and

WHEREAS, an outstanding Georgian, Matthew has truly exhibited a commitment to the program and has consistently conducted himself in a manner becoming a recipient of the Gold Medal of Achievement; and

WHEREAS, the perseverance and determination displayed by this exceptional young leader is an example for all Georgians, and great success is surely in this young man's future.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Matthew Moore for his diligence and dedication in pursuing the highest honor awarded by the Royal Rangers Ministry and congratulate him on attaining the Gold Medal of Achievement.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Matthew Moore.