12 LC 93 1500
Senate Resolution 1255
By: Senator Wilkinson of the 50th


Recognizing and commending Cain Thurmond; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Cain Thurmond was born on September 27, 1990, in Jefferson, Georgia, a beloved son of Phil and Susie Thurmond; and

WHEREAS, he is a junior at the University of Georgia, where he is majoring in agricultural and applied economics; and

WHEREAS, Cain has been elected vice president of the National FFA Southern Region for 2011-2012; and

WHEREAS, Cain and his national officer peers will be the face and spirit of FFA and will collectively travel more than 100,000 miles throughout the country as they engage top leaders in business, government, and education and lead a host of personal growth and leadership training seminars for FFA members; and

WHEREAS, active in his community, Cain is a member of ABAC Alpha Gamma Rho, ABAC National Agri-Marketing Association, and the Jefferson High School FFA chapter; and

WHEREAS, he has received numerous honors, including the rank of Eagle Scout, and numerous academic and leadership awards; and

WHEREAS, a young man of deep and abiding faith, Cain is an active member of First Baptist Church of Jefferson; and

WHEREAS, the perseverance and determination displayed by this exceptional young leader is an example for all Georgians, and great success is surely in this young man's future.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body commend Cain Thurmond on his remarkable achievements and extend to him their sincere best wishes for future success.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Cain Thurmond.