09 LC 94 0321
Senate Resolution 125
By: Senators Buckner of the 44th and Seay of the 34th


Recognizing and commending Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services made history in November, 2008, by becoming the first department to win world titles in all three relay divisions of the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge in Las Vegas, Nevada; and

WHEREAS, this amazing and remarkable accomplishment marks the first time in the 17 year history of the competition that the same team has dominated all three divisions which include a men's relay, a woman's relay, and a men over 40 relay; and

WHEREAS, the 2008 men's relay team consists of Lawrence Adams, James Barbee, Antonio Johnson, Michael Ballisty, and Daniel Hardegree, and they defeated 64 teams from across the world including three representing branches of the military; and

WHEREAS, the dedicated and powerful 2008 women's relay team is comprised of Ann Hall, Rachel Dornbusch, Aurora Mayfield, Martine Rose, and Kassi Thoreson; and

WHEREAS, for a third consecutive year, the men over 40 relay team brought great pride to the State of Georgia with their title as 2008 world champions and included Jeff Hood, Jerry Russell, Jay Fordham, Ernest Donaldson, and David Odum; and

WHEREAS, Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services provides emergency services to the citizens of Clayton County through 14 fire stations and includes over 350 fire fighters, emergency medical technicians, and civilian personnel; and

WHEREAS, the phenomenal performance of these teams is a clear indication of the outstanding athletic ability, the dedication and hard work, and the unity of purpose and spirit of each team member; and

WHEREAS, as this magnificent team's determination, focus, and commitment over months of training and their dedication to physical fitness bring great pride to Clayton County Fire Chief Alex S. Cohilas and the entire state it is only fitting that such accomplishment be recognized.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body congratulate the Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services teams for winning the 2008 Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge and commend their hard work and drive that earned them the title of world champions.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Clayton County Fire Chief, Alex S. Cohilas and to each team member of the Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services teams.