09 LC 94 0245
Senate Resolution 119
By: Senator Unterman of the 45th


Recognizing the contributions of senior Georgians and declaring the week of February 24, 2009, as Senior Week at the Capitol; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, senior citizens are the state's most rapidly expanding resource with retirees moving to Georgia from every state in the nation, increasing the population of older Georgians by a projected 83 percent by 2020; and

WHEREAS, seniors in Georgia contribute immeasurably to the state's vitality by capitalizing on their strengths, talents, knowledge, and resources to provide volunteer leadership in our communities, mentor the children of Georgia, enjoy Georgia's natural attractions and leisure opportunities, and participate in Georgia's growing international marketplace; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia General Assembly benefits by hearing from older Georgians and their families about their concerns and needs and their suggestions regarding how elected officials can better serve this growing segment of the population; and

WHEREAS, in order to positively impact state policy and to improve the future of all Georgians, seniors need to understand and become meaningfully involved in our state's legislative process; and

WHEREAS, since 1987, the Georgia Council on Aging has organized an annual gathering of senior Georgians conducting special activities referred to as Senior Week at the Capitol to raise public awareness about the needs and contributions of seniors.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the week of February 24, 2009, shall be observed as Senior Week at the Capitol, and all members are encouraged to respond to issues of importance to senior Georgians.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Georgia Council on Aging.