09 LC 94 0076
Senate Resolution 11
By: Senators Pearson of the 51st, Butterworth of the 50th, Murphy of the 27th, Mullis of the 53rd, Williams of the 19th and others


Declaring January 27, 2009, as Tourism Day at the state capitol and commending the tourism industry of Georgia; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the travel and tourism industries play a vital role in Georgia's economic prosperity and the quality of life for all Georgians; and

WHEREAS, tourism in Georgia generates more than $34.1 billion annually, which provides for over 240,000 jobs state wide and contributes $1.5 billion to state and local tax revenue; and

WHEREAS, representatives from the travel and tourism industry work hard to promote Georgia as a premier travel destination with unique places, scenes, and activities; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus is dedicated to representing destination marketing organizations; and

WHEREAS, in 2002, the Tourism Development Alliance of Georgia was founded to increase awareness of the tourism industry as a strategic economic development engine essential to Georgia's economy; and

WHEREAS, both the Georgia Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus and the Tourism Development Alliance of Georgia work closely with the Georgia Department of Economic Development and other Georgia, national, and international hospitality related organizations to promote economic development through tourism; and

WHEREAS, the contributions and efforts of the professionals working in the tourism industry to increase travel to and throughout the state and stimulate economic growth are applauded.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body recognize the tourism industry as critical to the economic vitality of the State of Georgia and declare January 27, 2009, as Tourism Day at the state capitol.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to the Georgia Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus and the Tourism Development Alliance of Georgia.