11 LC 94 3926
Senate Resolution 108
By: Senator Grant of the 25th


Recognizing and commending Israel Temple CME on the occasion of its 144th anniversary; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the seeds which were sown by the loving and humble efforts of the devoted original worshipers of Israel Temple CME have blossomed, establishing a rich tradition and history; and

WHEREAS, organized in 1867 by a group of ex-slaves who desired to leave the White Methodist Church as a result of the Civil War and its nature of slave religion, lack of policy regarding black members, the effective missionary of northern missionaries, and a desire for a separate religious institution where they could sign songs of Zion with feeling, pray prayers of confession, and enjoy the feeling of being part of a worship service; and

WHEREAS, the present structure of worship for Israel Temple CME was built in 1891, with the original stone laid by Reverend G. W. Dinkins, Reverend Randall A. Carter, Bishop Lucius H. Holsey, and trustees W.M. Hall, R. Berry, J.C. Stillwell, F.L. Willis, Arron Woodward, P.C. Sanders, and G. Hawthorn; and

WHEREAS, over the years, Israel Temple CME has grown under the divine direction of numerous pastors, including the church's first female pastor, Reverend Lavonia K. McIntyre, who was appointed in 2004; and

WHEREAS, the congregation of this church has compiled an unparalleled record of constructive, compassionate, and humanitarian service which it demonstrates daily through open minds, open hearts, and open doors; and

WHEREAS, members of Israel Temple CME have a sincere desire to serve the Lord and are wholeheartedly committed to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ; and
WHEREAS, on February 20, 2011, Israel Temple CME celebrates its 144th anniversary with homecoming events and worship services, inviting all current and former members, friends, and community associates to celebrate; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that this enduring example of God's message of peace and love be recognized and congratulated for its innumerable good works rendered on behalf of persons in need.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE that the members of this body recognize the rich history of Israel Temple CME, commend its 144 years of dedicated service to the Lord and community, and extend their warmest best wishes for its continued growth and success.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Israel Temple CME.