12 LC 39 0176
Senate Resolution 1071
By: Senator Mullis of the 53rd


Recognizing veterans of the Korean War and dedicating a highway in their honor; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, our nation's security continues to rely on patriotic men and women who put their personal lives on hold in order to place themselves in harm's way to protect the freedoms that all United States citizens cherish; and

WHEREAS, Korean War veterans have demonstrated a deep personal commitment to protecting democracy and a willingness to sacrifice their own personal safety and comfort to ensure the well-being of their fellow man; and

WHEREAS, they served as guardians of this nation's freedom and liberty and diligently and conscientiously underwent intensive and rigorous training in order to serve their country with honor and distinction during a time of war; and

WHEREAS, it is important that Korean War veterans are thanked for their selfless service to this nation and honored for their unyielding commitment to protecting the people and ideals of the United States; and

WHEREAS, Korean War veterans embody the spirit of service, willing to find meaning in something greater than themselves, and it is abundantly fitting and proper that the outstanding accomplishments and sacrifices of these remarkable and distinguished Americans be honored appropriately.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA that this body hereby joins in honoring veterans of the Korean War and dedicates Interstate 59 in Dade County from the Alabama state line to the interchange with I-24 as the Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is authorized and directed to erect and maintain appropriate signs dedicating the Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the Senate is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Department of Transportation.