09 AM 25 1141

Senator Bulloch of the 11th offered the following amendment:

Amend the Senate Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee substitute to SB 80 (LC 25 5490S) by replacing line 31 with the following:
processing plants. If an operator of a food processing plant submits to the Commissioner a written food safety plan, such as a hazard analysis critical control point plan, that documents and describes the procedures used at such plant to prevent the presence of hazards such as poisonous or deleterious substances or other contaminants that would render finished foods or finished ingredients as manufactured at such plant injurious to health, including preventive controls, monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of such controls, and records of corrective actions, including actions taken in response to the presence of known hazards, and if upon review such plan is acceptable to the Commissioner, then such food processing plant may comply with the requirements of such food safety plan, including but not limited to any test regimen provided by such plan, in lieu of complying with a test regimen established by rules or regulations promulgated by the Commissioner pursuant to this paragraph.

By replacing line 42 with the following:
information from testing of samples or specimens of finished foods or finished food ingredients as manufactured at such food processing plant which, based on a confirmed positive test result, indicates