11 AM 36 0244ER

Senator Albers of the 56th offered the following amendment:

Amend the Senate Health and Human Services Committee substitute to SB 63 (LC 36 1884S) by deleting lines 21 through 23 and redesignating paragraphs (3) through (23) on lines 24 through 103 as paragraphs (2) through (22), respectively.

By adding on line 126 after "authenticity of the" the following:
recipient and the

By deleting lines 133 through 136 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(5) Physical authentication of the recipient of medical assistance to prevent provider phantom billing.
(d) The board shall mandate participation in the pilot program by providers and distribute equipment necessary for physical authentication of providers and recipients of medical assistance to

By deleting "link with" on line 148.

By deleting lines 155 through lines 173 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(1) Secure identification cards issued to each recipient of medical assistance with physical and electronic security features that prevent the duplication, counterfeiting, forging, or modification of the secure identification card, providing the greatest security from fraud for the least amount of cost;
(2) Physical authentication of each recipient of medical assistance with a confirming authentication method being stored on the host data base that allows for authentication if a secure identification card is lost;
(3) Physical authentication by each health care provider, administrator, and operator;
(4) Priority to the vendor that satisfies all of the requirements of this article and is able to demonstrate the prevention of the greatest amount of fraud in relation to overall costs;

By deleting lines 187 through 191 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(8) Priority to the vendor that requires the least amount of information to be gathered and stored by the state, thereby reducing the liability and risk to the state;