12 LC 40 0177S

The House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment offers the following
substitute to SB 369:


To amend Title 12 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to conservation and natural resources, so as to provide for an extension of the automatic repeal; to provide for related matters; to provide for an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


Title 12 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to conservation and natural resources, is amended by revising Code Section 12-5-9, relating to the creation of the Georgia Geospatial Advisory Council, definitions, intent, and members, as follows:
(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
(1) 'Director' means the director of the division.
(2) 'Division' means the Environmental Protection Division of the department.
(b) It is the intent of the General Assembly to provide the general public with access to reliable geospatial data, including but not limited to flood map modernization. Currently, Georgia lacks many of the components which would provide for reliable data such as geospatial coordination and collaboration, policies, standards, state-wide geospatial datasets, current inventory, state-wide license agreements, business and strategic plans, trained work force, data life cycle support, and contract and program management support.
(c)(1) In order to provide reliable geospatial data to the public, there shall be created the Georgia Geospatial Advisory Council. The division shall coordinate the creation of such council. The division shall coordinate with state executive branch departments and agencies to appoint members of the council, which may consist of representatives from state departments and agencies, local governments, universities, regional commissions, or any other entity the division determines to be a stakeholder active in the development or consumption of reliable geospatial resources.
(2) The council shall meet initially upon the call of the director and shall elect a chairperson at the initial meeting. Subsequent meetings shall be called by the chairperson. The members of the council shall serve at the pleasure of the director. Councilmembers shall receive no compensation for their services as members of the council, but their travel expenses, if any, related to the performance of their official duties may be covered by the departments, agencies, or organizations they represent.
(3) The council shall audit Georgia's geospatial capabilities at county, regional, and state levels. The audit shall contain a complete status update and recommendations for utilizing the geospatial capabilities in Georgia to meet Federal Emergency Management Agency notification requirements, recommendations for moving forward to achieve governmental data interoperability and enhanced delivery of services to Georgia citizens through the geospatial approach, and any other information determined by the council to be necessary for the advancement of geospatial technology.
(4) The council shall closely coordinate its efforts with the Georgia Technology Authority to ensure compliance with all state and federal standards, contracts, and procedures.
(5) The reports generated by the council shall be made available on an annual basis by the department to the members of the General Assembly, all departments and agencies of state government, and all county and municipal governments and shall be posted on the Internet website of the department.
(d) The Board of Natural Resources shall promulgate such rules and regulations as may be reasonable and necessary for the administration of this Code section.
(e) This Code section shall stand repealed on June 30, 2012 2015."

This Act shall become effective on June 29, 2012.

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.