12 LC 36 2006
Senate Bill 345
By: Senators Albers of the 56th, Grant of the 25th, Ligon, Jr. of the 3rd and Mullis of the 53rd


To amend Titles 34, 38, 45, and 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to labor and industrial relations, to the military, emergency management, and veterans affairs, to public officers and employees, and to state government, respectively, so as to eliminate the licensing of nongovernmental rescue organizations, groups, teams, search and rescue dog teams, and individuals by the director of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency; to revise certain definitions; to define the term 'emergency management professional'; to revise certain provisions relating to the establishment of, authorization for appropriation of moneys to, and payments from Georgia State Indemnification Fund; to change certain provisions relating to applications for indemnification; to revise certain provisions relating to state flags to honor service of deceased; to provide for related matters; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


Title 34 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to labor and industrial relations, is amended by revising paragraph (2) of Code Section 34-9-1, relating to definitions relative to workers' compensation, as follows:
"(2) 'Employee' means every person in the service of another under any contract of hire or apprenticeship, written or implied, except a person whose employment is not in the usual course of the trade, business, occupation, or profession of the employer; and, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, minors are included even though working in violation of any child labor law or other similar statute; provided, however, that nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed as repealing or altering any such law or statute. Any reference to any employee who has been injured shall, if the employee dies, include such employee's legal representatives, dependents, and other persons to whom compensation may be payable pursuant to this chapter. All firefighters, law enforcement personnel, and personnel of emergency management or civil defense agencies, emergency medical services, and rescue organizations whose compensation is paid by the state or any county or municipality, regardless of the method of appointment, and all full-time county employees and employees of elected salaried county officials are specifically included in this definition. There shall also be included within such term any volunteer firefighter of any county or municipality of this state, but only for services rendered in such capacity which are not prohibited by Code Section 38-3-36 and only if the governing authority of the county or municipality for which such services are rendered shall provide by appropriate resolution for inclusion of such volunteer firefighters; any volunteer law enforcement personnel of any county or municipality of this state who are certified by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council, for volunteer law enforcement services rendered in such capacity, which are not prohibited by Code Section 38-3-36 and but only if the governing authority of the county or municipality for which such services are rendered shall provide by appropriate resolution for inclusion of such volunteer law enforcement personnel; any person who is a volunteer member or worker of an emergency management or civil defense organization, emergency medical service, or rescue organization, whether governmental or not, of any county or municipality of this state for volunteer services, which are not prohibited by Code Section 38-3-36, rendered in such capacity and but only if the governing authority of the county or municipality for which such services are rendered shall provide by appropriate resolution for inclusion of such volunteer members or workers; and any person certified by the Department of Public Health or the Georgia Composite Medical Board and registered with any county or municipality of this state as a medical first responder for any volunteer first responder services rendered in such capacity, which are not prohibited by Code Section 38-3-36 and but only if the governing authority of the county or municipality for which such services are rendered shall provide by appropriate resolution for inclusion of such responders. The various elected county officers and elected members of the governing authority of an individual county shall also be included in this definition, if the governing authority of said county shall provide therefor by appropriate resolution. For the purposes of workers' compensation coverage, employees of county and district health agencies established under Chapter 3 of Title 31 are deemed and shall be considered employees of the State of Georgia and employees of community service boards established under Chapter 2 of Title 37 shall be considered to be employees of the state. For the purpose of workers' compensation coverage, members of the Georgia National Guard and the State Defense Force serving on state active duty pursuant to an order by the Governor are deemed and shall be considered to be employees of this state. A person shall be an independent contractor and not an employee if such person has a written contract as an independent contractor and if such person buys a product and resells it, receiving no other compensation, or provides an agricultural service or such person otherwise qualifies as an independent contractor. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph, any officer of a corporation may elect to be exempt from coverage under this chapter by filing written certification of such election with the insurer or, if there is no insurer, the State Board of Workers' Compensation as provided in Code Section 34-9-2.1. For purposes of this chapter, an owner-operator as such term is defined in Code Section 40-2-87 shall be deemed to be an independent contractor. Inmates or persons participating in a work release program, community service program, or similar program as part of the punishment for violation of a municipal ordinance pursuant to Code Section 36-32-5 or a county ordinance or a state law shall not be deemed to be an employee while participating in work or training or while going to and from the work site or training site, unless such inmate or person is employed for private gain in violation of Code Section 42-1-5 or Code Section 42-8-70 or unless the municipality or county had voluntarily established a policy, on or before January 1, 1993, to provide workers' compensation benefits to such individuals."

Title 38 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the military, emergency management, and veterans affairs, is amended by revising Code Section 38-3-36, relating to licensing by the director of the Georgia Emergency Management Agency of nongovernmental rescue organizations, exceptions, and registration of public and private search and rescue dog teams, as follows:
(a) Except as otherwise provided by subsection (b) of this Code section, all nongovernmental rescue organizations, associations, groups, teams, search and rescue dog teams, or individuals, whether or not they are holders of a charter issued by this state or officers thereof, shall be prohibited from performing any rescue or emergency management type activity until the organization, association, group, team, search and rescue dog team, or individual has been licensed by the director of emergency management to perform the activities. It is expressly declared that Articles 1 through 3 of this chapter shall not amend, repeal, alter, or affect in any manner Code Section 51-1-29.
(b) Any marine rescue squadron sponsored by and operating under the direction and control of the sheriff of the county of residence of the squadron and chartered as a Marine Rescue Squadron of America, which was so chartered on January 1, 1960, or prior to that date, and which performs only water or boat safety rescue missions within this state, shall be deemed to be a governmental rescue organization within the meaning of subsection (a) of this Code section and need not be licensed by the director of emergency management as provided in the subsection.
(c) The director of emergency management shall promulgate rules and regulations for training and licensing standards for private search and rescue dog teams. The director shall maintain a registry of public and private search and rescue dog teams operating within the state. Any public or private organization which provides rescue services in this state utilizing search and rescue dog teams shall register with the director the name and address of the organization, a 24 hour telephone number to be used for contact during emergencies, the counties in which the search and rescue dog teams provide service, the types of specialized search and rescue dog teams which are available, and such other information as the director may require by rule and regulation Reserved."

Title 45 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to public officers and employees, is amended by revising Code Section 45-9-81, relating to definitions relative to the Georgia State Indemnification Fund, as follows:
As used in this part, the term:
(1) 'Commission' means the Georgia State Indemnification Commission.
(2) 'Department' means the Department of Administrative Services.
(3) 'Emergency management professional' means any person employed as or serving as an officially recognized or officially designated member of any municipal, county, or state emergency management agency pursuant to Title 38.
(3)(4) 'Emergency management rescue specialist' means any person licensed as an emergency management rescue specialist pursuant to Code Section 38-3-36 on or before June 30, 2012.
(4)(5) 'Emergency medical technician' includes only persons who:
(A) Are certified as emergency medical technicians, paramedics, or cardiac technicians under Chapter 11 of Title 31; and
(B) Are employed in the capacity for which they are so certified by a department, agency, authority, or other instrumentality of state or local government.
(5)(6)(A) 'Firefighter' means any person who is employed as a professional firefighter on a full-time or part-time basis by any municipal, county, or state government fire department employing three or more firefighters and who has the responsibility of preventing and suppressing fires, protecting life and property, enforcing municipal, county, and state fire prevention codes, enforcing any law pertaining to the prevention and control of fires or who performs any acts or actions while on duty or when responding to a fire or emergency during any fire or other emergency or while performing duties intended to protect life and property.
(B) 'Firefighter' shall also mean any individual serving as an officially recognized or designated member of a legally organized volunteer fire department, or any employee of the Georgia Forestry Commission whose job duties include fire mitigation, who performs any acts or actions while on duty or when responding to a fire or emergency during any fire or other emergency or while performing duties intended to protect life and property.
(C) 'Firefighter' shall also mean any individual employed by a person or corporation which has a contract with a municipal corporation or county to provide fire prevention and fire-fighting services to such municipal corporation or county and any such individual is employed on a full-time basis of at least 40 hours per week and has the responsibility of preventing and suppressing fires, protecting life and property, enforcing municipal or county fire prevention codes, enforcing any municipal or county ordinances pertaining to the prevention and control of fires or who performs any acts or actions while on duty or when responding to a fire or emergency during any fire or other emergency or while performing duties intended to protect life and property.
(6)(7) 'In the line of duty' means:
(A) With respect to an emergency medical technician, or an emergency management rescue specialist, or an emergency management professional, while on duty and when responding to or returning from an emergency or performing duties at the scene of an emergency or transporting a person to a medical facility for emergency treatment or returning therefrom;
(B) With respect to a volunteer firefighter, while on duty and when responding to or returning from a fire or other emergency or performing duties during any fire or other emergency or performing duties intended to protect life and property including, without limitation, actual participation in a training exercise;
(C) With respect to a law enforcement officer or firefighter, while on duty and performing services for and receiving compensation from the law enforcement and fire service agency which employs such officer or firefighter, while off duty when responding to any situation which would save a life or preserve the peace, or while preventing or attempting to prevent the commission of a crime or fire. A law enforcement officer or firefighter who is performing duties for and receiving compensation from a private employer at the time of such officer's or firefighter's death or bodily injury causing total permanent disability or partial permanent disability shall not be considered in the line of duty if the officer or firefighter is entitled to workers' compensation benefits from the private employer or the private employer's insurer;
(D) With respect to a prison guard, while on duty and performing services for and receiving compensation from the public agency which employs such prison guard; or
(E) With respect to a state highway employee, while on duty and performing any work necessary for the construction, maintenance, or operation of a roadway on or within the public roads of the state as defined in paragraph (24) of Code Section 32-1-3 when such employee is killed or permanently disabled as the result of working under hazardous conditions in close proximity to moving traffic or equipment.
Such term shall not mean commuting to or from work or commuting to or from training.
(7)(8) 'Law enforcement officer' means any agent or officer of this state, a political subdivision or municipality of this state, or an authority of this state or a political subdivision of this state who, as a full-time or part-time employee, is vested either expressly by law or by virtue of public employment or service with authority to enforce the criminal or traffic laws with the power of arrest and whose duties include the preservation of public order, the protection of life and property, or the prevention, detection, or investigation of crime. Such term also includes the employees designated by the commissioner of juvenile justice of the Department of Juvenile Justice pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection (i) of Code Section 49-4A-8, which employees have the duty to investigate and apprehend delinquent and unruly children who have escaped from a facility under the jurisdiction of the Department of Juvenile Justice or who have broken the conditions of supervision. Such term also includes members of the Georgia National Guard, the composition of which is set forth in Code Section 38-2-3, who have been called into active state service by the Governor.
(8)(9) 'Organic brain damage' means direct physical trauma to the brain which so affects the mental capacity as to preclude function productively in any employment.
(9)(10) 'Partial permanent disability' means disability due to:
(A) Loss of the use of one eye or blindness in one eye with only light perception;
(B) Loss of one hand;
(C) Loss of one leg; or
(D) Loss of a lower extremity or the residual effect of an organic disease or injury which so affects the functions of balance or propulsion as to preclude locomotion without the use of a wheelchair for all but very short distances.
(10)(11) 'Prison guard' means any person employed by the state or any political subdivision thereof whose principal duties relate to the supervision and incarceration of persons accused or convicted of the violation of the criminal laws of this state or any political subdivision thereof. Such term shall also mean any probation supervisor or parole officer who is required to be certified under Chapter 8 of Title 35, the 'Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Act,' and whose principal duties directly relate to the supervision of adult probationers or adult parolees. Such term also means any person employed by the state or any political subdivision thereof whose principal duties include the supervision of youth who are charged with or adjudicated for an act which if committed by adults would be considered a crime.
(11)(12) 'State highway employee' means an employee of the Georgia Department of Transportation who receives compensation directly therefrom and regularly engages in duties necessary for the construction, maintenance, or operation of roadways on or within the public roads of this state as defined in paragraph (24) of Code Section 32-1-3.
(12)(13) 'Total permanent disability' means disability due to:
(A) Loss of both eyes or blindness in both eyes with only light perception;
(B) Loss or loss of use of both hands;
(C) Loss or loss of use of both legs;
(D) Loss of a lower extremity or the residual effect of an organic disease or injury which so affects the functions of balance or propulsion as to preclude locomotion without resort to a wheelchair at all times; or
(E) Organic brain damage."

Said title is further amended by revising subsection (a) of Code Section 45-9-82, public officers and employees, as follows:
"(a) There is established a program to provide for indemnification with respect to the:
(1) Death of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, or prison guard who is or has been killed in the line of duty subsequent to January 1, 1973;
(2) Permanent disability of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, or prison guard who is or has been permanently disabled in the line of duty subsequent to January 1, 1973;
(3) Death or permanent disability of any emergency medical technician who is killed or permanently disabled or who has been killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty subsequent to January 1, 1977;
(4) Death or permanent disability of any emergency management rescue specialist who is killed or permanently disabled on or after January 1, 1991 but prior to July 1, 2012;
(5) Death or permanent disability of any emergency management professional who is killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty on or after July 1, 2012; and
(5)(6) Death or permanent disability of any state highway employee who is killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty on or after January 1, 1990."

Said title is further amended by revising Code Section 45-9-84.2, relating to the Georgia State Indemnification Fund, authorization for appropriation of moneys to the fund, and money from other sources, as follows:
The General Assembly is authorized to appropriate funds to be placed in the Georgia State Indemnification Fund for the purpose of providing for indemnification with respect to the death or disability of any law enforcement officer, firefighter, or prison guard who is or has been killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty subsequent to January 1, 1973,; the death or disability of any emergency medical technician who is killed or permanently disabled or has been killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty subsequent to January 1, 1977,; the death or disability of any emergency management rescue specialist who is killed or permanently disabled on or after January 1, 1991, but prior to July 1, 2012; the death or disability of any emergency management professional who is killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty on or after July 1, 2012; and the death or disability of any state highway employee who is or has been killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty subsequent to January 1, 1990, as well as defraying the expenses and costs incurred by the department and the commission in the administration of this part. In addition, the department is authorized to accept for deposit in the Georgia State Indemnification Fund any other funds from any other source. All funds appropriated to the Georgia State Indemnification Fund shall be presumptively concluded to have been committed to the purpose for which they have been appropriated and shall not lapse."

Said title is further amended by revising Code Section 45-9-85, relating to payment of indemnification for death or disability, procedure for making of payments, and appeal, as follows:
(a) Indemnification shall be paid under this article as follows:
(1) In the case of a partial permanent disability suffered in the line of duty by a law enforcement officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, emergency management rescue specialist, emergency management professional, state highway employee, or prison guard, the eligible disabled person may elect payment of $35,000.00 paid in equal monthly installments for five years or a lump sum of such amount reduced to its present value upon the basis of interest calculated at the rate of 6 percent per annum;
(2) In the case of a total permanent disability suffered in the line of duty by a law enforcement officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, emergency management rescue specialist, emergency management professional, state highway employee, or prison guard, the injured person may elect to receive a payment of $75,000.00 paid in equal monthly installments for five years or a lump sum of such amount reduced to its present value upon the basis of interest calculated at the rate of 6 percent per annum; or
(3) In the case of death or organic brain damage suffered in the line of duty by a law enforcement officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, emergency management rescue specialist, emergency management professional, state highway employee, or prison guard, payment shall be made to the surviving unremarried spouse or the dependents of the spouse or deceased person as shown in his or her most recent tax return or to the legal guardian of the organically brain damaged person. The surviving unremarried spouse, dependents, or the legal guardian may elect to receive payment in a lump sum payment of $100,000.00 paid in equal monthly installments for five years or a lump sum of such amount reduced to its present value upon the basis of interest calculated at the rate of 6 percent per annum.
(b) After the department, or the commission upon review of a denial by the department, determines that a law enforcement officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, emergency management rescue specialist, emergency management professional, prison guard, or state highway employee has suffered a total permanent disability, a partial permanent disability, organic brain damage, or death in the line of duty, the department shall be authorized to make the appropriate payments as provided in subsection (a) of this Code section.
(c) If the department denies a claim, any person seeking benefits pursuant to this part may appeal the department's decision to the commission. Any such appeal shall be filed with the commission within 60 days of receipt of the department's decision and shall identify the errors in the department's decision. Appeals shall be considered by the commission at the commission's semiannual meeting as provided in Code Section 45-9-84."

Said title is further amended by revising Code Section 45-9-86, relating to application for indemnification, as follows:
(a) An application for indemnification with respect to a claim for total permanent disability or partial permanent disability of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, prison guard, emergency medical technician, emergency management rescue specialist, emergency management professional, or state highway employee shall be submitted by that person unless the person is mentally incompetent, in which case the application may be made on such person's behalf by his or her legal guardian.
(b) An application for indemnification with respect to a claim for the death of a law enforcement officer, firefighter, prison guard, emergency medical technician, emergency management rescue specialist, emergency management professional, or state highway employee shall be submitted by or on behalf of the surviving unremarried spouse or dependents eligible under this part.
(c) An application for indemnification with respect to death, organic brain damage, total permanent disability, or partial permanent disability must be made within 24 months after the date of the incident giving rise to the death, organic brain damage, or disability."

Title 50 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to state government, is amended by revising subsection (b) of Code Section 50-3-13, relating to state flags to honor service of deceased qualifying public safety officers, as follows:
"(b) For purposes of this Code section, a 'qualifying public safety officer' is a peace officer, as defined in Code Section 35-8-2, sheriff, or firefighter, emergency medical technician, or emergency management rescue specialist, or emergency management professional, as each is defined in Code Section 45-9-81, or member of the Georgia National Guard. In addition, 'qualifying public safety officer' is an officer killed in the line of duty or an officer who has served as a qualifying public safety officer for a period of not less than five years. A person committing or convicted of a felony or crime of moral turpitude or whose certification or license to practice as a public safety officer is revoked or terminated shall not be considered a 'qualifying public safety officer."

This Act shall become effective on July 1, 2012.

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.