09 AM 34 0290
Senators Thompson of the 33rd and Balfour of the 9th offered the following amendment:

Amend the substitute to SB 164 (LC 34 2140S) by replacing line 92 with the following:
(1) 'Abandoned sign' means any sign adjacent to a state-controlled route that is not structurally safe and in good repair or which has not

By replacing "12" with "nine"on line 93.

By replacing line 247 with the following:
projects. In any instance where the department issues a vegetation permit but determines that no replacement landscaping is required, it shall deliver as an element of the annual report to be made pursuant to subsection (h) of this Code section a written report describing the site and the reasons that replacement landscaping was deemed unfeasible. Replacement landscaping shall be required in all instances unless it is unfeasible due to geography, department-approved fixtures or paving, climatic conditions, or safety concerns.

By replacing line 355 with the following:
Code section. Prior to December 31 of each calendar year, the department shall furnish to the members of the transportation committees of both chambers of the General Assembly and to the Roadside Beautification Enhancement and Beautification Council an annual report to include: (1) the number of vegetation permit applications received by the department; (2) the number of permits issued; (3) the number of permits issued in each department district; (4) the total amount of vegetation fees collected; (5) the total amount of grants issued by the Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Council; and (6) a statement to comply with the provisions of subparagraph (c)(11)(F) of this Code section."