09 LC 94 1562
House Resolution 996
By: Representatives Neal of the 1st and Weldon of the 3rd


Commending Alex Lockwood, Heritage High School's 2009 STAR Student, and Billy Carlock, Heritage High School's 2009 STAR Teacher; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, a proper quality education for the young people of this state is the single most important objective of the General Assembly; and

WHEREAS, the STAR program, sponsored by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and the Professional Association of Georgia Educators, focuses public attention on Georgia's outstanding students and the teachers who have been most instrumental in their academic development; and

WHEREAS, to be selected as a STAR Student for a high school, a student must have obtained the highest score in one administration of the new three-part Scholastic Aptitude Test taken through the November test date of his or her senior year and be in the top ten percent or top ten students of his or her class; and

WHEREAS, each school has one STAR Student who in turn has the opportunity to choose a STAR Teacher that has inspired and encouraged them throughout their high school career; and

WHEREAS, Alex chose Billy Carlock as his STAR Teacher for the support and guidance he has provided throughout the years; and

WHEREAS, this STAR Student has personified the selfless dedication, mental agility, verbal adroitness, and personal maturity necessary for superlative academic performance; and

WHEREAS, the State of Georgia looks with great anticipation toward the future of this bright and promising young citizen and his STAR Teacher, Billy Carlock.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Alex Lockwood on his selection as Heritage High School's 2009 STAR Student, congratulate Billy Carlock on his distinction as Heritage High School's 2009 STAR Teacher, and express to them their sincere best wishes for continued success.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to Alex Lockwood and Billy Carlock.