09 LC 94 1507
House Resolution 915
By: Representative Baker of the 78th


Commending the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc., on its Georgia Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc., adopted the Georgia Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights due to recent concerns about youth detachment from outdoor activities, lack of physical exercise, and increased health risks; and

WHEREAS, the Outdoor Bill of Rights provides that every child should have the opportunity to discover Georgia's past, splash in the water, play in a safe place, camp under the stars, explore nature, learn to swim, play on a team, follow a trail, catch a fish, and celebrate their heritage; and

WHEREAS, it is the objective of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association that every child in Georgia should have the chance to experience each activity listed in the Outdoor Bill of Rights by the age of 14; and

WHEREAS, studies show that participation in each of the activities in the Outdoor Bill of Rights will lead to good citizenship, improve fitness, foster volunteer and community service, promote positive social behavior, improve quality family time, and develop stronger and all around more productive Georgians.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc., for recognizing the need to promote healthy and active children in Georgia and applaud the organization's Outdoor Bill of Rights for guiding children and families of Georgia on a path to success.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc.