LC 28 4395


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution so as to provide that the General Assembly may provide by law for townships for the limited purposes of exercising the power of zoning and the regulation of land use development within the boundaries of such townships and provide for the funding and operation of such townships; to provide for the submission of this amendment for ratification or rejection; and for other purposes.


Article IX, Section II of the Constitution is amended by revising Paragraph IV as follows:
"Paragraph IV. Planning and zoning. The governing authority of each county and of each municipality may adopt plans and may exercise the power of zoning. This authorization shall not prohibit the General Assembly from enacting general laws establishing procedures for the exercise of such power. In addition, the General Assembly may by law create townships for the limited purpose of exercising the power of zoning and the regulation of land use and development within the boundaries of such townships and provide for the funding and operation of such townships."

The above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall be published and submitted as provided in Article X, Section I, Paragraph II of the Constitution. The ballot submitting the above proposed amendment shall have written or printed thereon the following:
"(  )  YES
(  )  NO

Shall the Constitution of Georgia be amended so as to authorize the General Assembly by law to create townships for the limited purpose of exercising the power of zoning and the regulation of land use and development within the boundaries of such townships and provide for the funding and operation of such townships?"
All persons desiring to vote in favor of ratifying the proposed amendment shall vote "Yes." All persons desiring to vote against ratifying the proposed amendment shall vote "No." If such amendment shall be ratified as provided in said Paragraph of the Constitution, it shall become a part of the Constitution of this state.