09 LC 94 1303
House Resolution 745
By: Representative O`Neal of the 146th


Recognizing and commending Mrs. Evelyn D. Ross for outstanding contributions to public education in the State of Georgia; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Mrs. Evelyn D. Ross has long been recognized by the citizens of this state for the vital role that she has played in the teaching profession and her deep personal commitment to the education of the students of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, each year, retired school teachers who have made a significant impact on the students of Houston County are selected to be inducted into the Houston County Teacher Hall of Fame; and

WHEREAS, in order to qualify as a nominee for the Houston County Teacher Hall of Fame, an educator must have over 20 years of classroom experience and been actively involved with enriching the lives of students outside the classroom with their involvement in extracurricular activities; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Ross dedicated an amazing 24 years to molding young minds and challenging students in Houston County as an instructor at Thomas and Lindsey elementary schools; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. Ross devoted many years to teaching Sunday school at her church, and she has served as an inspiration to three of her granddaughters who followed in her footsteps to become teachers; and

WHEREAS, nothing is more vital to the future of our state than the education of our young people, and Mrs. Ross has, during her teaching career, exemplified the selfless dedication and professionalism which are characteristic of our finest educators; and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate that this body join in expressing appreciation to Mrs. Ross for her outstanding efforts and accomplishments in education.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Mrs. Evelyn D. Ross for her sacrifice, foresight, accomplishment, and contributions on behalf of education in Georgia, recognize her for the positive influence she has had upon the lives and futures of countless young people in this state, and extend congratulations upon her induction into the Houston County Teacher Hall of Fame.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Mrs. Evelyn D. Ross.