11 LC 28 5398
House Resolution 74
By: Representatives Geisinger of the 48th, Wilkinson of the 52nd, Cooper of the 41st, Watson of the 163rd, Smith of the 70th, and others


Declaring February 3, 2011, as Hemophilia of Georgia Day at the state capitol; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, annually tens of thousands of Americans are impacted by hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, including many Georgians; and

WHEREAS, Hemophilia of Georgia is a nonprofit organization which is dedicated to providing services and support to Georgians who have hemophilia, von Willebrand Disease, and other inherited bleeding disorders; and

WHEREAS, Hemophilia of Georgia is the only organization in this state which serves these individuals, working to enhance their care and quality of life; and

WHEREAS, Hemophilia of Georgia has served Georgians for more than 35 years by providing them with pharmaceutical services including blood clotting factor products, home infusion training, education, and other activities for those impacted by hemophilia and other bleeding disorders; and

WHEREAS, Hemophilia of Georgia actively pursues various funding avenues to find a cure for these disorders and to fund the care for those who cannot pay for the necessary care and pharmaceuticals required to treat or prevent a bleeding episode; and

WHEREAS, Hemophilia of Georgia serves as a trusted resource to many health care providers and insurers, providing each with training on bleeding disorders and their appropriate care and treatment.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body extend to Hemophilia of Georgia, its staff and volunteers, and the persons the organization serves this legislative body's heartiest commendation for their past, present, and future work for those individuals suffering from hemophilia and other bleeding disorders in this state, throughout our nation, and around the world and encourage all citizens to support Hemophilia of Georgia's efforts to fund initiatives and programs to help those individuals with hemophilia and bleeding disorders.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Hemophilia of Georgia.