11 LC 36 1899
House Resolution 693
By: Representatives Drenner of the 86th, Fullerton of the 151st, Frazier of the 123rd, Smith of the 122nd, Williams of the 89th, and others


Urging developers and builders of residential property to offer the installation of solar energy systems; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, solar energy is a nonpolluting, renewable energy source; and

WHEREAS, once solar panels or solar thermal collectors are installed, there are no electrical expenses necessary to power them, they can last a lifetime, and they require very little maintenance; and

WHEREAS, solar power may be a more realistic option for some homeowners than running large lengths of electrical wires to connect to a grid; and

WHEREAS, solar power may also be an attractive investment due to the added value it gives a home since with the current state of the housing market a solar power system can help add to the desirability and resale value of a home as a home with a fixed electric bill from solar is less expensive to live in and, thus, is very appealing to potential buyers; and

WHEREAS, because of its many advantages, solar power may easily become the most important energy source of the future; and

WHEREAS, it is important that developers and builders of residential property educate potential buyers about the benefits of installing solar energy systems and offer such buyers the option of installing such systems in their homes.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body urge developers and builders of residential property in Georgia to offer the installation of solar energy systems.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit appropriate copies of this resolution to the Home Builders Association of Georgia, the Georgia Mountain Home Builders Association, the Home Builders Association of Northeast Georgia, the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, the Home Builders Association of Middle Georgia, the Home Builders Association of Midwest Georgia, and the Home Builders Association of South Georgia.