09 LC 35 1424
House Resolution 657
By: Representatives Day of the 163rd and Neal of the 1st


Recognizing and commending A Child is Missing; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, A Child is Missing is a nonprofit corporation founded in 1996 and is based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida; its mission is to provide assistance at no cost to law enforcement agencies throughout the country in the search and recovery of missing children, the elderly, many with Alzheimer's, and mentally challenged and disabled persons; and

WHEREAS, the service provided by A Child is Missing is a rapid response telephone system that alerts residents in a targeted area of a missing child, or an elderly or disabled or mentally challenged person, and has the capability of making 1,000 calls in 60 seconds during the critical hours following a persons disappearance; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Sheriffs, Chiefs of Police, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation have established an excellent partnership with A Child is Missing in order to locate missing persons in a safe and timely manner; and

WHEREAS, since 2003, 864 law enforcement officers from 189 agencies in Georgia have been trained by A Child is Missing in the recovery of missing children and other persons; and

WHEREAS, throughout the United States, over 460 persons have been recovered utilizing the A Child is Missing activation system of which 21 of those persons were from the state of Georgia.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, that members of this body commend A Child is Missing for providing an invaluable service to the citizens of this State, recognize this outstanding service for the many lives it has helped to save, and encourage all Georgia law enforcement officials to participate in this excellent public safety project.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representative is authorized and directed to provide an appropriate copy of this resolution to A Child is Missing.