11 LC 94 4208
House Resolution 376
By: Representative Benton of the 31st


Commending Mrs. Janet Schwartz, Jefferson City High School's 2011 STAR Teacher; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Mrs. Janet Schwartz is widely recognized throughout her community and this state as the personification of excellence in education; and

WHEREAS, this highly respected teacher has served with honor and distinction as a professional educator at Jefferson City High School where she teaches language arts; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of her outstanding dedication to academic achievement, she has been named Jefferson City High School's 2011 STAR Teacher by STAR Student Julia Lee Ouellette; and

WHEREAS, a native of Virginia, Mrs. Schwartz has taught language arts at Jefferson City High School for over 30 years and has also taught in schools in Virginia, New Jersey, and Illinois; and

WHEREAS, she is united in love and marriage to her husband, Barry, and she has been blessed with two remarkable children, Hal and Sarah, and three delightful grandchildren; and

WHEREAS, she is a shining example of the important impact that the efforts of individual classroom teachers are making on the quality of education received by the children of this state, and it is abundantly fitting and proper that her superlative accomplishments be recognized appropriately.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body heartily and gratefully commend Mrs. Janet Schwartz for her sacrifice, foresight, accomplishment, and contributions on behalf of education in Georgia; recognize the positive influence she has had upon the lives and futures of so many young people in this state; and congratulate her upon her being named Jefferson City High School's 2011 STAR Teacher.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Mrs. Janet Schwartz.