09 LC 94 0675
House Resolution 354
By: Representative Benton of the 31st


Recognizing and commending Mrs. Carol McDonald; and for other puposes.

WHEREAS, Mrs. Carol McDonald, a kindergarten teacher at Jefferson Elementary School, is widely recognized throughout her community and the state as the personification of excellence in education; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of her outstanding dedication to academic achievement, Mrs. McDonald has been named the 2009-2010 Jefferson City School System Teacher of the Year; and

WHEREAS, after graduating with a bachelor's degree in early childhood education from the University of Georgia, Mrs. McDonald continued her devoted study by earning a master's degree in early childhood education from Piedmont College and a specialist degree in education leadership from Lincoln Memorial University; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. McDonald's innovative teaching methods have earned her several honors in the field of education, including being named Teacher of the Year at West Jackson Primary School and Northeast Georgia RESA Regional Math Teacher and receiving a School Yard Ecology Grant from the State of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, her ultimate goal as an educator is to promote love and develop a lifelong sense of responsibility in her young students; and

WHEREAS, Mrs. McDonald is united in love and marriage to Greg McDonald and is blessed with two wonderful children, Kasey and Kody; and

WHEREAS, nothing is more vital to the future of our state than the education of our young people and Mrs. McDonald has, during her teaching career, exemplified the selfless dedication and professionalism which are characteristic of our finest educators; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate that this body join in expressing appreciation to Mrs. McDonald for her outstanding efforts and accomplishments in professional education.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that Mrs. Carol McDonald is hereby recognized, commended, and congratulated upon selection as Teacher of the Year, and gratitude is expressed for the great credit this fine educator reflects upon the Jefferson City School System and the State of Georgia.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Mrs. Carol McDonald.