09 LC 94 0599
House Resolution 323
By: Representative Channell of the 116th


Commending the Georgia Rural Health Association and recognizing February 19, 2009, as Rural Health Day at the State Capitol; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the Georgia Rural Health Association (GRHA) is a nonprofit advocate for rural health care consumers and the dedicated health care professionals who serve rural Georgia and encourages the development of an improved health care system throughout the state; and

WHEREAS, Georgia has 110 rural counties encompassing over 2 million residents, with a continuing decline in the availability and quality of health care providers, specialists, nurses, and professional services; and

WHEREAS, these geographic areas have the highest cancer and cardiovascular mortality rates and infant mortality, child abuse, and teen pregnancy rates and the growing uninsured population and elderly population with multiple diseases far exceed the area's health care resources; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Rural Development Council recognizes that the limited availability and quality of rural health care facilities and services further aggravate the area's distressed economy and deter industry recruitment; and

WHEREAS, state and federal officials need to focus on the plight of rural communities and the need for better access to health care, workforce development and training, access to capital for aging health care facilities, and medical malpractice tort reform.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend the efforts of the Georgia Rural Health Association and recognize February 19, 2009, as Rural Health Day at the State Capitol.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to GRHA.