11 LC 94 4086
House Resolution 300
By: Representative Sheldon of the 105th


Recognizing and commending Miss Dacula 2010 Kelsey Brooks; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Kelsey Brooks has shown by the example of her academic accomplishments and extracurricular involvement that the pursuit and attainment of excellence are within the reach of the students in this state; and

WHEREAS, Kelsey attends Georgia Gwinnett College and recently earned the prestigious title of Miss Dacula 2010; and

WHEREAS, committed to uplifting the lives of others through service to her community, Kelsey has been active with the Gwinnett Special Olympics, the Gwinnett Humane Society, Walk for Autism, Gwinnett Relay for Life, Toys for Tots, and the Dacula cluster PTA; and

WHEREAS, a role model to her peers, Kelsey serves as student ambassador to Russia and received the Presidential Gold Medal for Volunteer Service with over 200 hours of community service and the Gold Medal for Physical Fitness; and

WHEREAS, by her many achievements, grace, and poise, Kelsey has brought credit to her parents, her community, her school, and this state; and

WHEREAS, all Georgians are proud of young women who, like Kelsey, represent the very best that this state has to offer; and

WHEREAS, the State of Georgia looks forward with great anticipation to the promising and bright future of this remarkable young citizen.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body congratulate Kelsey Brooks on being named Miss Dacula 2010 and extend to her best wishes for her near and distant future.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Miss Dacula 2010 Kelsey Brooks.