10 LC 94 3349
House Resolution 2175
By: Representatives Ashe of the 56th and Kaiser of the 59th


Recognizing and commending Ms. Gloria Jean Royster; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Ms. Gloria Jean Royster has long been recognized by the citizens of this state for the vital role that she has played in leadership and her deep personal commitment to the welfare of her neighbors; and

WHEREAS, an Atlanta resident since 1992, Ms. Royster has devoted numerous hours of her time, talents, and energy to civic organizations and has held numerous leadership roles in community organizations; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Royster was a member of the inaugural class for Bard College's Clemente Course in the Humanities, earning a certificate of successful completion, polishing her intellect, and helping to quench her unrelenting thirst for knowledge; and

WHEREAS, as a result of successful performance in the Clemente Course, Ms. Royster was appointed as a board member of the Bard College Clemente Course in the Humanities, where she marketed the program to prospective students and supporters; and

WHEREAS, she is a founding member of the Consumer Advocacy Group, which creates authentic demand for quality goods, services, and support in Atlanta and Mechanicsville neighborhoods; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Royster's leadership and guidance have been instrumental to the residents of Neighborhood Planning Unit V, where she was an organizing member of the "No MARTA Cuts in Our Neighborhood" campaign that resulted in the transit authority's decision to restructure bus route 155; and

WHEREAS, she has served as a community organizer for the Annie E. Casey Foundation and is currently an environmental community activist in Mechanicsville; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Royster and a neighbor at GE Tower and Lofts Apartments undertook the challenge to improve the Glenn Street Railroad Bridge by securing lights underneath the bridge, removing graffiti, cleaning up the surrounding areas, posting traffic signs, and cleaning up an adjacent empty lot; and

WHEREAS, as a community activist and role model for people from all generations and walks of life, she brings honor to the City of Atlanta, the State of Georgia, and our country; and

WHEREAS, the passion and efforts of this unbelievably talented woman on behalf of her community are unparalleled, and it is fitting that this body express its appreciation to Ms. Royster for the great credit she reflects on her community and this state.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Ms. Gloria Jean Royster for her outstanding service to the City of Atlanta and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Ms. Gloria Jean Royster.