12 LC 93 1637
House Resolution 2047
By: Representatives Abdul-Salaam of the 74th, Heckstall of the 62nd, Brooks of the 63rd, Jordan of the 77th, and Scott of the 76th


Recognizing and commending Miss Sadie Thomas on the occasion of her 101st birthday; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Miss Sadie Thomas was born on July 27, 1911, in Jeffersonville, Georgia; and

WHEREAS, she spent most of her life on her family farm with her brother, John, as a sharecropper, and they eventually owned their own plot of land where, as a small farmer, she worked hard all of her life, picking cotton and growing tomatoes, corn, and squash; and

WHEREAS, after the untimely passing of her sister, Miss Thomas helped raise her sister's two children on her farm with her mother; and

WHEREAS, the devotion, patience, and understanding Miss Thomas has demonstrated have provided the foundation and framework of success in which her family members have developed and flourished; and

WHEREAS, a woman of deep and abiding faith, Miss Thomas is an active lifelong member of Lizzie Harrell Baptist Church; and

WHEREAS, this distinguished gentlewoman has given inspiration to many through her high ideals, morals, and deep concern for her fellow citizens; and

WHEREAS, a kind and generous woman, Miss Thomas brings joy and happiness to her many friends, neighbors, and family members who have the great pleasure of knowing her; and

WHEREAS, she has witnessed a dramatic change in the world over the course of her lifetime, and we salute her contribution to its progress by her own hard work and good citizenship; and
WHEREAS, by the example Miss Thomas has made of her life, she makes this world a better place in which to live, and it is only fitting and proper that she be appropriately recognized during this very special and memorable time of her life.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Miss Sadie Thomas for her unselfish, dedicated, and loving service to the members of her family and the citizens of her community and state, congratulate her on the remarkable occasion of her 101st birthday, and extend to her their sincere best wishes for continued health and happiness.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Miss Sadie Thomas.