12 LC 93 1024
House Resolution 1979
By: Representatives Smith of the 129th, Ralston of the 7th, Wilkinson of the 52nd, Holmes of the 125th, and Harbin of the 118th


Commending Mr. Howard H. "Bo" Callaway and inviting him to be recognized by the House of Representatives; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Mr. Howard H. "Bo" Callaway currently serves as Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees for the Ida Cason Callaway Foundation; and

WHEREAS, he served as a lieutenant in the United States Army from 1949 to 1952, during which time he was a platoon leader in Korea and an instructor in tactics at Fort Benning, and was honored with the Combat Infantry Badge, three Campaign Ribbons, and the Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation; and

WHEREAS, in 1964, following 11 years as Callaway Gardens President and CEO, the third congressional district of Georgia elected Mr. Callaway to the United States Congress; and

WHEREAS, he returned to Callaway Gardens from 1966 to 1970, was Chairman, President, and CEO of Interfinancial, Inc., in Atlanta from 1970 to 1973, and since 1970 has served as Chairman and President of Crested Butte Mountain Resort in Colorado; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Callaway was appointed to Secretary of the Army in April of 1973 and was awarded the Medal of Distinguished Public Service by the Department of Defense in 1975; and

WHEREAS, politically active throughout his career, Mr. Callaway was the Republican nominee for Governor of Georgia in 1966, a candidate for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate from Colorado in 1980, and Chairman of the Colorado Republican Party from 1981 to 1987; and

WHEREAS, he has been an active member of several Boards of Directors, including Trust Company of Georgia, Georgia Power Company, The Southern Company, SCI Systems, Inc., United Bank of Denver, World Business Council, the Chief Executives Organization, and the CML Group; and

WHEREAS, he has been a member of numerous organizations, including the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, the National 4-H Service Committee, the Republican National Committee, and Phi Kappa Phi; and

WHEREAS, he was united in love and marriage for 60 years to his late wife, Beth, and blessed with five children and 16 grandchildren; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that the outstanding accomplishments of this remarkable and distinguished Georgian be appropriately recognized.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Mr. Howard H. "Bo" Callaway for his efficient, effective, unselfish, and dedicated public service to the State of Georgia and invite him to be recognized by the House of Representatives at a date and time designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Mr. Howard H. "Bo" Callaway.