12 LC 93 1374
House Resolution 1904
By: Representative Epps of the 140th


Recognizing and commending Ms. Amy Pritchard, Wells Elementary School's 2012 Teacher of the Year; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, a proper quality education for the young people of this state is the single most important objective of the General Assembly; and

WHEREAS, nothing is more vital to the future of our state than the education of our young people, and Ms. Amy Pritchard exemplifies the selfless dedication which is characteristic of our finest educators; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Amy Pritchard is a highly respected educator in the Jones County School System, dedicating her time, talents, and energy to challenging and inspiring the future leaders of this state; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Amy Pritchard has earned distinction for teaching excellence as a result of her dedication to the students of Wells Elementary School, where she has been honored as the 2012 Teacher of the Year; and

WHEREAS, the devotion to providing the students of Georgia with a quality education demonstrated by Ms. Amy Pritchard is worthy of recognition.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Ms. Amy Pritchard on her outstanding commitment to education and on her selection as the 2012 Teacher of the Year for Wells Elementary School.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Ms. Amy Pritchard.