12 LC 35 2339
House Resolution 1685
By: Representative Setzler of the 35th


Recognizing and commending Mr. Richard McKee on being named the Acworth Middle School 2011-2012 Teacher of the Year; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Richard McKee was an outstanding student of music earning a bachelor of music education degree from Shorter College, a master of music degree in music composition and an educational specialist degree in music education from the University of Georgia, and a master's-level Orff-Schulwerk certification from Memphis State University; and

WHEREAS, this outstanding guitarist, drummer, singer, and song writer has been teaching public school music for more than 26 years and is currently the music specialist at Acworth Intermediate School in the Cobb County school system; and

WHEREAS, a high quality education for the young people of this state is one of the most important objectives of the General Assembly, and Mr. McKee has demonstrated his ability to provide such quality education through his years of dedicated service to many schools, honor choruses, and choirs and by his receipt of numerous honors and awards; and

WHEREAS, excellence in education depends on the dedication and diligence of teachers such as Mr. McKee of Acworth Middle School, and the Teacher of the Year awards are presented by school districts in recognition of such outstanding education professionals; and

WHEREAS, Mr. McKee has earned great distinction for teaching excellence as a result of his passionate commitment to his pupils and has been honored as the Acworth Middle School Teacher of the Year; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of his many outstanding contributions to music education and the general welfare of Georgia's students, it is abundantly fitting and proper for this body to honor the extraordinary accomplishments and academic achievements of this remarkable teacher.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body join in commending Mr. Richard McKee for being selected as the Acworth Middle School 2011-2012 Teacher of the Year and express their gratitude for his invaluable contributions to education in Georgia.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Mr. Richard McKee.