12 LC 93 1047
House Resolution 1614
By: Representative Waites of the 60th


Commending Dr. Mitzi L. Bickers and inviting her to be recognized by the House of Representatives; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Dr. Mitzi L. Bickers is a native of Atlanta and a beloved daughter of the late Dr. Benjamin Weldon Bickers and Mrs. Ethel King Bickers; and

WHEREAS, she received a Bachelor of Arts in political science and education from Spelman College and a Doctor of Divinity from Avotra Bible College and Seminary in 1998; and

WHEREAS, she taught in the Atlanta Public School System for two years and later worked for the Metropolitan Atlanta Crime Commission Victim Witness Assistance Program, where she provided crisis intervention to victims of crime, serving as a liaison between the local law enforcement agencies and the community; and

WHEREAS, at the age of 15, Reverend Bickers served as Minister of Music at Emmanuel Baptist Church, and she was later ordained into the Christian ministry and served as co-pastor, Director of Christian Education for six years, and coordinator of instruction in Christian education; and

WHEREAS, she was called to pastor Emmanuel Baptist Church in July of 1998 after the passing of her father who ministered to the church for more than 40 years; and

WHEREAS, at the age of 26, Dr. Bickers was the youngest person ever elected to the Atlanta Board of Education, representing District Two for more than ten years and overseeing a budget of $600 million as well as serving as president of the board for two consecutive terms after being elected by her colleagues; and

WHEREAS, Dr. Bickers worked for Thacker Operating Company, followed by E.R. Mitchell Company as Vice President of Operations, and is currently President and CEO of the Bickers Group, a marketing and public relations company with offices in the United States and Mexico; and

WHEREAS, an active member in her community, Dr. Bickers is affiliated with many social, political, and professional organizations, including Project GRAD Atlanta, Centennial Place YMCA, the National Alliance of Black School Educators, Concerned Black Clergy, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference; and

WHEREAS, she is the proud mother of one remarkable son, Emmanuel Weldon Bickers; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that the accomplishments of this distinguished Georgian be appropriately recognized.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Dr. Mitzi L. Bickers for her efficient, effective, unselfish, and dedicated public service and many contributions to the State of Georgia and invite her to be recognized by the House of Representatives at a date and time designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Dr. Mitzi L. Bickers.