12 LC 29 5262S

The House Committee on Judiciary offers the following substitute to HR 1611:


Recognizing the need to preserve the sovereignty of a foreign corporation to engage in certain commercial activities within the confines of Baldwin County, Georgia; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, it is of considerable importance to preserve the sovereignty of a foreign corporation and to allow such corporation to engage in certain commercial activities within the confines of Baldwin County, Georgia; and

WHEREAS, it is of further importance that such foreign corporation have the ability to contract with Georgia corporations and enter into a joint venture with Water Energy Technologies Incorporated, Baldwin County, Georgia, the State of Georgia, and others in accordance with the laws of the State of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, it is also imperative that the foreign corporation maintain its foreign corporation independence and sovereignty while entering into a joint venture with Water Energy Technologies Incorporated, an Alabama corporation, whereby both organizations may develop and manufacture green energy fuels; and

WHEREAS, the source of such green energy fuels is from a wood chips process developed by Water Energy Technologies Incorporated; and

WHEREAS, these entities may construct other commercial enterprises on property owned by said joint venture partners at the discretion of the joint venture partners, and may be approved by the governing body of Baldwin County, Georgia.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body recognize the need to preserve the sovereignty of a foreign corporation to engage in certain commercial activities within the confines of Baldwin County, Georgia and the State of Georgia, and subject to the laws of the State of Georgia.