10 LC 94 2433
House Resolution 1581
By: Representative McCall of the 30th


Recognizing and commending Ms. Becky Roberts; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Ms. Becky Roberts has long been recognized by the citizens of this state for the vital role that she has played in the teaching profession and her deep personal commitment to the education of the students of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Roberts has dedicated an incredible 34 years to molding young minds and challenging students through her work in the field of education; and

WHEREAS, this highly respected professional educator and administrator began her career in 1976 at Central Elementary School and has spent 33 years at Blackwell Elementary School; and

WHEREAS, her passion for uplifting the lives of others through education and her unique gift of finding a balance between high academic expectations and genuine concern and care for her students serve as an example for all educators; and

WHEREAS, in recognition of her contributions to the students in this state, it is abundantly fitting and proper for this body to honor the extraordinary commitment and accomplishments of this outstanding individual.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body heartily and gratefully commend Ms. Becky Roberts for her over three decades of sacrifice, foresight, accomplishment, and contributions on behalf of education in Georgia and for the positive influence she has had upon the lives and futures of countless young people in this state.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Ms. Becky Roberts.