10 LC 94 2371
House Resolution 1435
By: Representatives Stephens of the 164th, Parrish of the 156th, Harden of the 147th, and Channell of the 116th


Creating the House Study Committee on Hotel-Motel Tax and a citizens advisory council for such committee; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, hotel-motel tax has a significant impact on the economy of the State of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, the original intent of the hotel-motel tax was for destination marketing; and

WHEREAS, the international average spent on tourism promotion is 60.7 percent of the total tax rate, and Georgia spends 29 percent on tourism promotion; and

WHEREAS, there are currently over 25 versions of the tax in applicable districts; and

WHEREAS, there are numerous stakeholders that must have input in this process; and

WHEREAS, comprehensive study should be undertaken to assist the General Assembly in evaluating matters relating to hotel-motel tax administration, collections, accounting, and expenditures.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that there is created the House Study Committee on Hotel-Motel Tax to be composed of five members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House shall designate a member of the committee as chairperson of the committee. The chairperson shall call all meetings of the committee.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee shall be charged with examining:
(1) Best practices of other states' hotel-motel tax provisions;
(2) The comparative history of the tax since its inception;
(3) The expenditures of hotel-motel tax moneys for the purpose of promoting tourism, conventions, and trade shows, including such expenditures in support of special events of national or international significance;
(4) The budgets, audits, and reports, including all such items filed with the Department of Community Affairs as contemplated and required by paragraph (5) of subsection (a) of Code Section 48-13-51 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, including the accuracy of such audits and reports;
(5) The use of hotel-motel tax funds by local convention and visitors bureaus, including an analysis of at least one small, one medium, and one large convention and visitors bureau;
(6) Assessment of stakeholders affected by hotel-motel tax; and
(7) Any other matter dealing with hotel-motel taxes in Georgia.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee is further authorized to appoint an advisory council to assist the committee and to appoint one of its members as chairperson of the council. The advisory council shall be composed of one representative from each of the following to provide input to the committee:
(1) Tourism Development Alliance of Georgia;
(2) Georgia Municipal Association;
(3) Association of County Commissioners of Georgia;
(4) Department of Audits
(5) Department of Community Affairs;
(6) Department of Revenue;
(7) Georgia Department of Economic Development;
(8) Georgia Hotel and Lodging Association;
(9) Georgia Economic Developer's Association; and
(10) A citizen unaffiliated with any of the preceding agencies or organizations.
Members of the council shall receive no compensation or allowances for their services thereon, except that the chairperson of the council shall receive the same allowances provided for the legislative members of the committee.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee shall undertake a study of the conditions, needs, issues, and problems mentioned above or related thereto and recommend any actions or legislation which the committee deems necessary or appropriate. The committee may conduct such meetings at such places and at such times as it may deem necessary or convenient to enable it to exercise fully and effectively its powers, perform its duties, and accomplish the objectives and purposes of this resolution as would be beneficial to the State of Georgia. The committee is authorized to seek the advice and counsel of persons knowledgeable in the tourism industry and related fields and other persons, groups, and organizations which the committee feels will be able to assist it in its endeavors. The members of the committee shall receive the allowances provided for in Code Section 28-1-8 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated but shall receive the same for not more than five days unless additional days are authorized. The funds necessary to carry out the provisions of this resolution shall come from the funds appropriated to the House of Representatives. In the event the committee makes a report of its findings and recommendations, with suggestions for proposed legislation, if any, such report shall be made on or before December 1, 2010. The committee and advisory council shall stand abolished on December 31, 2010.