12 LC 93 0550
House Resolution 1294
By: Representatives Carter of the 175th and Black of the 174th


Recognizing and commending Brother John W. Iverson, Sr., on the occasion of his 32nd anniversary with Southside Church of Christ; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, Brother John W. Iverson, Sr., will celebrate his 32nd anniversary with Southside Church of Christ on February 12, 2012; and

WHEREAS, Brother John W. Iverson, Sr., was born on December 9, 1942, in Jacksonville, Florida; and

WHEREAS, Brother John is united in love and marriage to Patricia Ann Spencer, and they have been blessed with six children, John, Jr., Spencer, Margaret, Ivan, Janelle, and Patrick, and seven grandchildren; and

WHEREAS, he worked as a Bible instructor and athletic director at Southwestern Christian College in Terrell, Texas, from 1969 to 1979 and began his ministry at Southside Church of Christ in 1979; and

WHEREAS, Brother John has demonstrated his commitment to mentoring and taking leadership roles with congregations by conducting marriage and family workshops and mentoring and encouraging men in the ministry; and

WHEREAS, the unmatched spiritual assistance offered by Brother John is a source of strength and direction for persons in all walks of life and from all economic strata; and

WHEREAS, he is a person of magnanimous strengths with an unimpeachable reputation for integrity, intelligence, fairness, and kindness; and

WHEREAS, it is abundantly fitting and proper that this enduring example of God's message of peace and love be recognized and congratulated for his innumerable good works rendered on behalf of persons in need.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body commend Brother John W. Iverson, Sr., for his efficient, effective, unselfish, and dedicated community service, congratulate him for 32 years of service with Southside Church of Christ, and extend best wishes for many more years of successful fellowship and leadership.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to Brother John W. Iverson, Sr.