10 LC 94 1662
House Resolution 1095
By: Representatives Marin of the 96th, Sellier of the 136th, and Casas of the 103rd


Recognizing and commending the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; and for other purposes.

WHEREAS, the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce was established in 1984 to promote and support domestic and international economic development of Hispanic businesses and individuals and to serve as a link between non-Hispanic entities and the Hispanic market; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce serves over 1,200 members, including 850 companies on both domestic and international levels; and

WHEREAS, internationally, the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce serves as an umbrella for many binational chambers of commerce and hosts international trade missions and business match sessions in Latin American countries; and

WHEREAS, domestically, the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce focuses on the local Hispanic market and assisting Hispanic entrepreneurs with business development seminars and providing them access to career and financial opportunities; and

WHEREAS, an additional vital activity of the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is serving as a legislative voice of the Hispanic business community on initiatives impacting businesses at the local, state, and federal levels; and

WHEREAS, the goal of the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to serve as a beacon for economic development and be sought after as a Hispanic strategic leader at all levels of the economic development dialogue between Georgia and Latin America; and

WHEREAS, the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's contributions to the Hispanic business community and the community at large over the past 25 years have been remarkable.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the members of this body recognize the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for 25 years of commitment to the Hispanic business community and commend the organization for its goal of enhancing the economic development of Georgia through innovative programs.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized and directed to transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.