12 LC 34 3409S
By: Representatives Collins of the 27th, Carter of the 175th, Atwood of the 179th, Hatchett of the 143rd, Clark of the 98th, and others


To amend Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to imposition, computation, and exemptions from state income tax, so as to provide for the comprehensive revision of income tax credits for business enterprises located in less developed areas, designated by tiers, for business enterprises located in less developed areas consisting of contiguous census tracts, for existing manufacturing and telecommunications facilities located in certain tier counties, and for establishing new quality jobs or relocating quality jobs; to provide for procedures, conditions, and limitations; to change certain provisions so as to correct certain cross-references; to provide for an effective date and applicability; to provide that this Act shall not abate or affect prosecutions, punishments, penalties, administrative proceedings or remedies, or civil actions related to certain violations; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


Article 2 of Chapter 7 of Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to imposition, computation, and exemptions from state income tax, is amended by revising subsections (a), (e), (f), (h), and (l) of Code Section 48-7-40, relating to designation of counties as less developed areas, as follows:
"(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
(1) 'Broadcasting' means the transmission or licensing of audio, video, text, or other programming content to the general public, subscribers, or to third parties via radio, television, cable, satellite, or the Internet or Internet Protocol and includes motion picture and sound recording, editing, production, postproduction, and distribution. 'Broadcasting' is limited to establishments classified under the 2007 North American Industry Classification System Codes 515, broadcasting; 519, Internet publishing and broadcasting; 517, telecommunications; and 512, motion picture and sound recording industries.
(2) 'Business enterprise' means any business or the headquarters of any such business which is engaged in manufacturing, including, but not limited to, the manufacturing of alternative energy products for use in solar, wind, battery, bioenergy, biofuel, and electric vehicle enterprises, warehousing and distribution, processing, telecommunications, broadcasting, tourism, research and development industries, biomedical manufacturing, and services for the elderly and persons with disabilities. Such term shall not include retail businesses. Businesses are eligible for the tax credit provided by this Code section at an individual establishment of the business based on the classification of the individual establishment under the North American Industry Classification System. For purposes of this Code section, the term 'establishment' means an economic unit at a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. If more than one business activity is conducted at the establishment, then only those jobs engaged in the qualifying activity will be eligible for the tax credit provided by this Code section.
(3) 'Competitive project' means expansion or location of some or all of a business enterprise's operations in this state having significant regional impact where the commissioner of economic development certifies that but for some or all of the tax incentives provided in this Code section, the business enterprise would have located or expanded outside this state.
(4) 'Existing business enterprise' means any business or the headquarters of any such business which has operated for the immediately preceding three years a facility in this state which is engaged in manufacturing, including, but not limited to, the manufacturing of alternative energy products for use in solar, wind, battery, bioenergy, biofuel, and electric vehicle enterprises, warehousing and distribution, processing, telecommunications, broadcasting, tourism, biomedical manufacturing, or research and development industries. Such term shall not include retail businesses. Businesses are eligible for the tax credit provided by this Code section at an individual establishment of the business based on the classification of the individual establishment under the North American Industry Classification System. For purposes of this Code section, the term 'establishment' means an economic unit at a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. If more than one business activity is conducted at the establishment, then only those jobs engaged in the qualifying activity will be eligible for the tax credit provided by this Code section.
(5) 'New full-time employee job' means a newly created position of employment that was not previously located in this state, requires a minimum of 35 hours a week, and pays at or above the average wage earned in the county with the lowest average wage earned in this state, as reported in the most recently available annual issue of the Georgia Employment and Wages Averages Report of the Department of Labor."
"(e)(1) Business enterprises in counties designated by the commissioner of community affairs as tier 1 counties shall be allowed a tax credit for taxes imposed under this article equal to $3,500.00 annually per eligible new full-time employee job for five years beginning with the first taxable year in which the new full-time employee job is created and for the four immediately succeeding taxable years; provided, however, that where the amount of such credit exceeds a business enterprise's liability for such taxes in a taxable year, the excess may be taken as a credit against such business enterprise's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 but not to exceed in any one taxable year $3,500.00 for each new full-time employee job when aggregated with the credit applied against taxes under this article. Each employee whose employer receives credit against such business enterprise's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 shall receive credit against his or her income tax liability under Code Section 48-7-20 for the corresponding taxable year for the full amount which would be credited against such liability prior to the application of the credit provided for in this paragraph. Credits against quarterly or monthly payments under Code Section 48-7-103 and credits against liability under Code Section 48-7-20 established by this paragraph shall not constitute income to the taxpayer. Business enterprises in counties designated by the commissioner of community affairs as tier 2 counties shall be allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed under this article equal to $2,500.00 annually, business enterprises in counties designated by the commissioner of community affairs as tier 3 counties shall be allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed under this article equal to $1,250.00 annually, and business enterprises in counties designated by the commissioner of community affairs as tier 4 counties shall be allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed under this article equal to $750.00 annually for each new full-time employee job for five years beginning with the first taxable year in which the new full-time employee job is created and for the four immediately succeeding taxable years. Where a business enterprise is engaged in a competitive project located in a county designated by the commissioner of community affairs as a tier 2 county and where the amount of the credit provided in this paragraph exceeds such business enterprise's liability for taxes imposed under this article in a taxable year, or where a business enterprise is engaged in a competitive project located in a county designated by the commissioner of community affairs as a tier 3 or tier 4 county and where the amount of the credit provided in this paragraph exceeds 50 percent of such business enterprise's liability for taxes imposed under this article in a taxable year, the excess may be taken as a credit against such business enterprise's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 but not to exceed in any one taxable year $2,500.00 for each new full-time employee job when aggregated with the credit applied against taxes under this article. Each employee whose employer receives credit against such business enterprise's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 shall receive credit against his or her income tax liability under Code Section 48-7-20 for the corresponding taxable year for the full amount which would be credited against such liability prior to the application of the credit provided for in this paragraph. Credits against quarterly or monthly payments under Code Section 48-7-103 and credits against liability under Code Section 48-7-20 established by this paragraph shall not constitute income to the taxpayer. The number of new full-time employee jobs shall be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Georgia income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year. In tier 1 counties, those business enterprises that increase employment by five two or more shall be eligible for the credit. In tier 2 counties, only those business enterprises that increase employment by ten or more shall be eligible for the credit. In tier 3 counties, only those business enterprises that increase employment by 15 or more shall be eligible for the credit. In tier 4 counties, only those business enterprises that increase employment by 25 or more shall be eligible for the credit. The average wage of the new jobs created must be above the average wage of the county that has the lowest average wage of any county in the state to qualify as reported in the most recently available annual issue of the Georgia Employment and Wages Averages Report of the Department of Labor. To qualify for a credit under this paragraph, the employer must make health insurance coverage available to the employee filling the new full-time employee job; provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require the employer to pay for all or any part of health insurance coverage for such an employee in order to claim the credit provided for in this paragraph if such employer does not pay for all or any part of health insurance coverage for other employees. Credit shall not be allowed during a year if the net employment increase falls below the number required in such tier. In any year in which the net employment increase falls below the number required in such tier, the taxpayer shall forfeit the right to the credit claimed for that taxable year. For the year that the net employment increase falls below the number required in such tier, a taxpayer that forfeits such right is therefore liable for all past taxes imposed by this article for that taxable year and all past payments under Code Section 48-7-103 for that taxable year that were foregone by the state as a result of the credits provided by this Code section; provided, however, that Code Section 48-2-40 shall not apply to any such forfeiture. The state revenue commissioner shall adjust the credit allowed each year for net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of the number required in such tier.
(2) Existing business enterprises shall be allowed an additional tax credit for taxes imposed under this article equal to $500.00 per eligible new full-time employee job the first year in which the new full-time employee job is created. The additional credit shall be claimed in the first taxable year in which the new full-time employee job is created. The number of new full-time employee jobs shall be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Georgia income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year. In tier 1 counties, those existing business enterprises that increase employment by five or more shall be eligible for the credit. In tier 2 counties, only those existing business enterprises that increase employment by ten or more shall be eligible for the credit. In tier 3 counties, only those existing business enterprises that increase employment by 15 or more shall be eligible for the credit. In tier 4 counties, only those existing business enterprises that increase employment by 25 or more shall be eligible for the credit. The average wage of the new jobs created must be above the average wage of the county that has the lowest average wage of any county in the state to qualify as reported in the most recently available annual issue of the Georgia Employment and Wages Averages Report of the Department of Labor. To qualify for a credit under this paragraph, the employer must make health insurance coverage available to the employee filling the new full-time job; provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require the employer to pay for all or any part of health insurance coverage for such an employee in order to claim the credit provided for in this paragraph if such employer does not pay for all or any part of health insurance coverage for other employees. Credit shall not be allowed during a year if the net employment increase falls below the number required in such tier. Any credit generated and utilized for years prior to the year in which the net employment increase falls below the number required in such tier shall not be affected. The state revenue commissioner shall adjust the credit allowed each year for net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of the number required in such tier. This paragraph shall apply only to new eligible full-time jobs created in taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2006, and ending no later than taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2011.
(f) Tax credits for four five years for the taxes imposed under this article shall be awarded for additional new full-time employee jobs created by business enterprises qualified under subsection (b), (c), or (c.1) of this Code section. Additional new full-time employee jobs shall be determined by subtracting the highest total employment of the business enterprise during years two through five, or whatever portion of years two through five which has been completed, from the total increased employment. The state revenue commissioner shall adjust the credit allowed in the event of employment fluctuations during the five years of credit."
"(h)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, any Any credit claimed under this Code section but not used in any taxable year may be carried forward for ten years from the close of the taxable year in which the qualified jobs were established, subject to forfeiture as provided in paragraph (1) of subsection (e) of this Code section, but in tiers 3 and 4 the credit established by this Code section taken in any one taxable year shall be limited to an amount not greater than 50 percent of the taxpayer's state income tax liability which is attributable to income derived from operations in this state for that taxable year. In tier 1 and 2 counties, the credit allowed under this Code section against taxes imposed under this article in any taxable year shall be limited to an amount not greater than 100 percent of the taxpayer's state income tax liability attributable to income derived from operations in this state for such taxable year.
(2) The additional credit claimed by an existing business enterprise pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of subsection (e) of this Code section must be applied against taxes imposed for the taxable year in which such credit is available and may not be carried forward to any subsequent taxable year."
"(l) Taxpayers that initially claimed the credit under this Code section for any taxable year beginning before January 1, 2009 2012, shall be governed, for purposes of all such credits claimed as well as any credits claimed in subsequent taxable years related to such initial claim, by this Code section as it was in effect for the taxable year in which the taxpayer made such initial claim."

Said article is further amended by revising subsections (a), (e), (f), and (j) of Code Section 48-7-40.1, relating to tax credits for business enterprises located in less developed areas, as follows:
"(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
(1) 'Broadcasting' means the transmission or licensing of audio, video, text, or other programming content to the general public, subscribers, or to third parties via radio, television, cable, satellite, or the Internet or Internet Protocol and includes motion picture and sound recording, editing, production, postproduction, and distribution. 'Broadcasting' is limited to establishments classified under the 2007 North American Industry Classification System Codes 515, broadcasting; 519, Internet publishing and broadcasting; 517, telecommunications; and 512, motion picture and sound recording industries.
(2) 'Business enterprise' means any business or the headquarters of any such business which is engaged in manufacturing, including, but not limited to, the manufacturing of alternative energy products for use in solar, wind, battery, bioenergy, biofuel, and electric vehicle enterprises, warehousing and distribution, processing, telecommunications, broadcasting, tourism, biomedical manufacturing, and research and development industries. Such term shall not include retail businesses. Businesses are eligible for the tax credit provided by this Code section at an individual establishment of the business based on the classification of the individual establishment under the North American Industry Classification System. For purposes of this Code section, the term 'establishment' means an economic unit at a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. If more than one business activity is conducted at the establishment, then only those jobs engaged in the qualifying activity will be eligible for the tax credit provided by this Code section."
"(e) Business enterprises in areas designated by the commissioner of community affairs as less developed areas shall be allowed a job tax credit for taxes imposed under this article equal to $3,500.00 annually per eligible new full-time employee job for five years beginning with the first taxable year in which the new full-time employee job is created and for the four immediately succeeding taxable years; provided, however, that where the amount of such credit exceeds a business enterprise's liability for such taxes in a taxable year, the excess may be taken as a credit against such business enterprise's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 but not to exceed in any one taxable year $3,500.00 for each new full-time employee job when aggregated with the credit applied against taxes under this article. Each employee whose employer receives credit against such business enterprise's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 shall receive credit against his or her income tax liability under Code Section 48-7-20 for the corresponding taxable year for the full amount which would be credited against such liability prior to the application of the credit provided for in this subsection. Credits against quarterly or monthly payments under Code Section 48-7-103 and credits against liability under Code Section 48-7-20 established by this subsection shall not constitute income to the taxpayer. The number of new full-time jobs shall be determined by comparing the monthly average number of full-time employees subject to Georgia income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding period of the prior taxable year. Only those business enterprises that increase employment by five or more in a less developed area shall be eligible for the credit; provided, however, that within areas of pervasive poverty as designated under paragraphs (2) and (4) of subsection (c) of this Code section businesses shall only have to increase employment by two or more jobs in order to be eligible for the credit, provided that, if a business only increases employment by two jobs, the persons hired for such jobs shall not be married to one another. The average wage of the new jobs created must be above the average wage of the county that has the lowest wage of any county in the state to qualify as reported in the most recently available annual issue of the Georgia Employment and Wages Averages Report of the Department of Labor. To qualify for a credit under this subsection, the employer must make health insurance coverage available to the employee filling the new full-time job; provided, however, that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require the employer to pay for all or any part of health insurance coverage for such an employee in order to claim the credit provided for in this subsection if such employer does not pay for all or any part of health insurance coverage for other employees. Credit shall not be allowed during a year if the net employment increase falls below five or two, as applicable. In any year in which the net employment increase falls below five or two, as applicable, the taxpayer shall forfeit the right to the credit claimed for that taxable year. For the year that the net employment increase falls below five or two, as applicable, a taxpayer that forfeits such right is therefore liable for all past taxes imposed by this article for that taxable year and all past payments under Code Section 48-7-103 for that taxable year that were foregone by the state as a result of the credits provided by this Code section; provided, however that Code Section 48-2-40 shall not apply to any such forfeiture. The state revenue commissioner shall adjust the credit allowed each year for net new employment fluctuations above the minimum level of five or two.
(f) Tax credits for four five years for the taxes imposed under this article shall be awarded for additional new full-time employee jobs created by business enterprises qualified under subsection (b) or (c) of this Code section. Additional new full-time employee jobs shall be determined by subtracting the highest total employment of the business enterprise during years two through five, or whatever portion of years two through five which has been completed, from the total increased employment. The state revenue commissioner shall adjust the credit allowed in the event of employment fluctuations during the additional five years of credit."
"(j) Taxpayers that initially claimed the credit under this Code section for any taxable year beginning before January 1, 2009 2012, shall be governed, for purposes of all such credits claimed as well as any credits claimed in subsequent taxable years related to such initial claim, by this Code section as it was in effect for the taxable year in which the taxpayer made such initial claim."

Said article is further amended by revising subsection (e) of Code Section 48-7-40.12, relating to tax credit for qualified research expenses, as follows:
"(e) In the first five years of a newly formed business enterprise's operations in this state, where Where the amount of a credit claimed under this Code section exceeds 50 percent of a taxpayer's liability for such taxes the business enterprise's remaining Georgia net income tax liability after all other credits have been applied in a taxable year, the excess may be taken as a credit against such taxpayer's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103. Each employee whose employer receives credit against such taxpayer's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 shall receive a credit against his or her income tax liability under Code Section 48-7-20 for the corresponding taxable year for the full amount which would be credited against such liability prior to the application of the credit provided for in this subsection. Credits against quarterly or monthly payments under Code Section 48-7-103 and credits against liability under Code Section 48-7-20 established by this subsection shall not constitute income to the taxpayer."

Said article is further amended by revising Code Section 48-7-40.15, relating to alternative tax credits for base year port traffic increases, as follows:
(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
(1) 'Base year port traffic' means:
(A) For taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2010, the total amount of net tons, containers, or twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's) of product actually transported by way of a waterborne ship or vehicle through a port facility during the period from January 1, 1997, through December 31, 1997; provided, however, that in the event the total amount actually transported during such period was not at least 75 net tons, five containers, or ten twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's), then 'base year port traffic' means 75 net tons, five containers, or ten twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's).
(B) For all taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, the total amount of net tons, containers, or twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's) of product actually imported into this state or exported out of this state by way of a waterborne ship or vehicle through a port facility during the second preceding 12 month period; provided, however, that in the event the total amount actually imported into this state or exported out of this state during such period was not at least 75 net tons, five containers, or ten twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's), then 'base year port traffic' means 75 net tons, five containers, or ten twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's).
(2) 'Broadcasting' means the transmission or licensing of audio, video, text, or other programming content to the general public, subscribers, or to third parties via radio, television, cable, satellite, or the Internet or Internet Protocol and includes motion picture and sound recording, editing, production, postproduction, and distribution. 'Broadcasting' is limited to establishments classified under the 2007 North American Industry Classification System Codes 515, broadcasting; 516, 519, Internet publishing and broadcasting; 517, telecommunications; and 512, motion picture and sound recording industries.
(3) 'Business enterprise' means any business or the headquarters of any such business which is engaged in manufacturing, including, but not limited to, the manufacturing of alternative energy products for use in solar, wind, battery, bioenergy, biofuel, and electric vehicle enterprises, warehousing and distribution, processing, telecommunications, broadcasting, tourism, biomedical manufacturing, and research and development industries. Such term but shall not include retail businesses. Businesses are eligible for the tax credit provided by subsection (b) of this Code section at an individual establishment of the business based on the classification of the individual establishment under the North American Industry Classification System. For purposes of this Code section, the term 'establishment' means an economic unit at a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed. If more than one business activity is conducted at the establishment, then only those jobs engaged in the qualifying activity will be eligible for the tax credit provided by this Code section.
(4) 'Port facility' means any privately owned or publicly owned facility located within this state through which product is transported by way of a waterborne ship or vehicle to or from destinations outside this state.
(5) 'Port traffic' means:
(A) For taxable years beginning prior to January 1, 2010, the total amount of net tons, containers, or twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's) of product transported by way of a waterborne ship or vehicle through a port facility.
(B) For all taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, the total amount of net tons, containers, or twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU's) of product imported into this state or exported out of this state by way of a waterborne ship or vehicle through a port facility.
(6) 'Product' means a marketable product or component of a product which has an economic value to the wholesale or retail consumer and is ready to be used without further alteration of its form or a product or material which is marketed as a prepared material or is a component in the manufacturing and assembly of other finished products.
(7) 'Qualified investment property' means all real and personal property purchased or acquired by a taxpayer for use in the construction of an additional manufacturing or telecommunications facility to be located in this state or in the expansion of an existing manufacturing or telecommunications facility located in this state, including, but not limited to, moneys expended on land acquisition, improvements, buildings, building improvements, and machinery and equipment to be used in the manufacturing or telecommunications facility. The department shall promulgate rules defining eligible manufacturing facilities, telecommunications facilities, and qualified investment property pursuant to this Code section.
(b)(1) In the case of any business enterprise which has increased its port traffic of products during the previous 12 month period by more than 10 percent above its base year port traffic and is qualified to claim a job tax credit under Code Section 48-7-40 or 48-7-40.1 for jobs added at any time on or after January 1, 1998, there shall be allowed an additional $1,250.00 job tax credit against the tax imposed under this article.
(2) The tax credit described in this subsection shall be allowed subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in Code Section 48-7-40 or 48-7-40.1 and shall be in addition to the credit allowed under Code Section 48-7-40 or 48-7-40.1; provided, however, that such credit shall not be allowed during a year if the port traffic does not remain above the minimum level established in this Code section.
(c) In the case of any business enterprise which has increased its port traffic of products during the previous 12 month period by more than 10 percent above its base year port traffic and is qualified to claim a tax credit under Code Section 48-7-40.2, 48-7-40.3, 48-7-40.4, 48-7-40.7, 48-7-40.8, or 48-7-40.9 upon qualified investment property added at any time on or after January 1, 1998, there shall be allowed a credit against the tax imposed under this article in an amount equal to the applicable percentage amount otherwise allowed under Code Section 48-7-40.2 or 48-7-40.7 to business enterprises for the cost of such property. The tax credit described in this subsection shall be allowed subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in Code Section 48-7-40.2 or 48-7-40.7, as applicable, except that such property may be placed in service in any county without regard to its tier designation. Such credit shall also be in lieu of and not in addition to the credit authorized under Code Sections 48-7-40.2, 48-7-40.3, 48-7-40.4, 48-7-40.7, 48-7-40.8, and 48-7-40.9.
(d) No business enterprise shall be authorized to claim the credits provided for in both subsections (b) and (c) of this Code section on a tax return for any taxable year unless such business enterprise has increased its port traffic of products during the previous 12 month period by more than 20 percent above its base year port traffic, has increased employment by 400 or more no sooner than January 1, 1998, and has purchased or acquired qualified investment property having an aggregate cost in excess of $20 million no sooner than January 1, 1998.
(e) The credit granted under this Code section shall be subject to the following conditions and limitations:
(1) For every year in which a taxpayer claims the credit, the taxpayer shall attach a schedule to the taxpayer's state income tax return which shall set forth the following information, as a minimum, in addition to the information required under Code Sections 48-7-40, 48-7-40.1, and 48-7-40.2 or 48-7-40.7:
(A) A description of how the base year port traffic and the increase in port traffic was determined;
(B) The amount of the base year port traffic;
(C) The amount of the increase in port traffic for the taxable year, including information which demonstrates an increase in port traffic in excess of the minimum amount required to claim the tax credit under this Code section;
(D) Any tax credit utilized by the taxpayer in prior years;
(E) The amount of tax credit carried over from prior years;
(F) The amount of tax credit utilized by the taxpayer in the current taxable year; and
(G) The amount of tax credit to be carried over to subsequent tax years.
(2)(A) Any tax credit claimed under subsection (b) of this Code section but not used in any taxable year may be carried forward for ten years from the close of the taxable year in which the qualified jobs were established, provided that the increase in port traffic remains above the minimum levels established in Code Section 48-7-40 or 48-7-40.1 and this Code section, respectively.
(B) Any tax credit claimed under subsection (c) of this Code section in lieu of Code Section 48-7-40.2, 48-7-40.3, or 48-7-40.4 but not used in any taxable year may be carried forward for ten years from the close of the taxable year in which the qualified investment property was acquired, provided that the increase in port traffic remains above the minimum level established in this Code section and the qualified investment property remains in service.
(3)(A) Any tax credit claimed under subsection (c) of this Code section in lieu of Code Section 48-7-40.7, 48-7-40.8, or 48-7-40.9 shall be allowed for the ensuing ten taxable years following the taxable year the qualified investment property was first placed in service, provided that the increase in port traffic remains above the minimum level established in this Code section and the qualified investment property remains in service.
(B) The tax credit established by this Code section in lieu of Code Section 48-7-40.2, 48-7-40.3, or 48-7-40.4 and taken in any one taxable year shall be limited to an amount not greater than 50 percent of the taxpayer's state income tax liability which is attributable to income derived from operations in this state for that taxable year.
(C) The tax credit established by this Code section in addition to that pursuant to Code Section 48-7-40 or 48-7-40.1 and taken in any one taxable year shall be limited to an amount not greater than 50 percent of the taxpayer's state income tax liability which is attributable to income derived from operations in this state for that taxable year.
(D) The sale, merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy of any taxpayer shall not create new eligibility for any succeeding taxpayer, but any unused credit may be transferred and continued by any transferee of the taxpayer."

Said article is further amended by revising Code Section 48-7-40.17, relating to establishing or relocating headquarters and tax credit, as follows:
(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
(1) 'Average wage' means the average wage of the county in which a new quality job is located as reported in the most recently available annual issue of the Georgia Employment and Wages Averages Report of the Department of Labor.
(2) 'New quality job' means employment for an individual which:
(A) Is located in this state;
(B) Has a regular work week of 30 hours or more;
(C) Is not a job that is or was already located in Georgia regardless of which taxpayer the individual performed services for; and
(D) Pays at or above 110 percent of the average wage of the county in which it is located; and
(E) Has no predetermined end date.
(b) A taxpayer establishing new quality jobs in this state or relocating quality jobs into this state which elects not to receive the tax credits provided for by Code Sections 48-7-40, 48-7-40.1, 48-7-40.2, 48-7-40.3, 48-7-40.4, 48-7-40.7, 48-7-40.8, and 48-7-40.9 for such jobs and investments created by, arising from, related to, or connected in any way with the same project and, within one year of the first date on which the taxpayer pursuant to the provisions of Code Section 48-7-101 withholds wages for employees in this state and employs at least 50 persons in new quality jobs in this state, shall be allowed a credit for taxes imposed under this article:
(1) Equal to $2,500.00 annually per eligible new quality job where the job pays 110 percent or more but less than 120 percent of the average wage of the county in which the new quality job is located;
(2) Equal to $3,000.00 annually per eligible new quality job where the job pays 120 percent or more but less than 150 percent of the average wage of the county in which the new quality job is located;
(3) Equal to $4,000.00 annually per eligible new quality job where the job pays 150 percent or more but less than 175 percent of the average wage of the county in which the new quality job is located;
(4) Equal to $4,500.00 annually per eligible new quality job where the job pays 175 percent or more but less than 200 percent of the average wage of the county in which the new quality job is located; and
(5) Equal to $5,000.00 annually per eligible new quality job where the job pays 200 percent or more of the average wage of the county in which the new quality job is located;
provided, however, that where the amount of such credit exceeds a taxpayer's liability for such taxes in a taxable year, the excess may be taken as a credit against such taxpayer's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 but not to exceed in any one taxable year the credit amounts in paragraphs (1) through (5) of this subsection for each new quality job when aggregated with the credit applied against taxes under this article. Each employee whose employer receives credit against such taxpayer's quarterly or monthly payment under Code Section 48-7-103 shall receive a credit against his or her income tax liability under Code Section 48-7-20 for the corresponding taxable year for the full amount which would be credited against such liability prior to the application of the credit provided for in this subsection. Credits against quarterly or monthly payments under Code Section 48-7-103 and credits against liability under Code Section 48-7-20 established by this subsection shall not constitute income to the taxpayer. For each new quality job created, the credit established by this subsection may be taken for the first taxable year in which the new quality job is created and for the four immediately succeeding taxable years; provided, however, that such new quality jobs must be created within seven years from the close of the taxable year in which the taxpayer first becomes eligible for such credit. Credit shall not be allowed during a year if the net employment increase falls below the 50 new quality jobs required. Any credit received for years prior to the year in which the net employment increase falls below the 50 new quality jobs required shall not be affected except as provided in subsection (f) of this Code section. The state revenue commissioner shall adjust the credit allowed each year for net new employment fluctuations above the 50 new quality jobs required.
(c) The number of new quality jobs to which this Code section shall be applicable shall be determined by comparing the monthly average of new quality jobs subject to Georgia income tax withholding for the taxable year with the corresponding average for the prior taxable year.
(d) Any credit claimed under this Code section but not used in any taxable year may be carried forward for ten years from the close of the taxable year in which the new quality jobs were established.
(e) Notwithstanding Code Section 48-2-35, any tax credit claimed under this Code section shall be claimed within one year of the earlier of the date the original return was filed or the date such return was due as prescribed in subsection (a) of Code Section 48-7-56, including any approved extensions.
(f) If the taxpayer has failed to maintain a new quality job in a taxable year, the taxpayer shall forfeit the right to the credit claimed for such job in that year. For each year such new quality job is not maintained, a taxpayer that forfeits such right is therefore liable for all past taxes imposed by this article for that taxable year and all past payments under Code Section 48-7-103 for that taxable year that were foregone by the state as a result of the credits provided by this Code section; provided, however, that Code Section 48-2-40 shall not apply to any such forfeiture.
(g) Taxpayers that initially claimed the credit under this Code section for any taxable year beginning before January 1, 2009 2012, shall be governed, for purposes of all such credits claimed as well as any credits claimed in subsequent taxable years related to such initial claim, by this Code section as it was in effect for the taxable year in which the taxpayer made such initial claim.
(h)(g) The state revenue commissioner shall promulgate any rules and regulations necessary to implement and administer this Code section."

(a) This Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law without such approval and shall be applicable to all taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012.
(b) Tax, penalty, and interest liabilities and refund eligibility for prior taxable years shall not be affected by the passage of this Act and shall continue to be governed by the provisions of general law as it existed immediately prior to January 1, 2012.
(c) This Act shall not abate any prosecution, punishment, penalty, administrative proceedings or remedies, or civil action related to any violation of law committed prior to January 1, 2012.

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.