12 LC 36 2018
House Bill 826
By: Representatives Peake of the 137th, Williams of the 4th, Abrams of the 84th, McBrayer of the 153rd, Baker of the 78th, and others


To amend Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to revenue and taxation, so as to provide that any taxes imposed on cigars and little cigars on or after January 1, 2013, shall be collected and paid through the use of stamps; to provide for definitions; to establish a rate of the tax on certain tobacco products; to provide that the commissioner of revenue shall provide by regulation for stamps to be affixed to cigars and little cigars prior to April 10, 2013, for which taxes are collected and paid prior to January 1, 2013; to provide for changes throughout the chapter to certain provisions in order to remove references to the collection and payment of taxes on cigars using an alternate method; to provide for annual renewal of licenses; to provide exemptions from certain taxes; to authorize the collection and payment of the first transaction in the state; to change certain provisions regarding civil and criminal penalties; to provide for related matters; to provide for effective dates; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.



Title 48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to revenue and taxation, is amended by revising Code Section 48-11-1, relating to definitions, as follows:
As used in this chapter, the term:
(1) 'Cigar' means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll is also tobacco.
(2) 'Cigar dealer' means any person located within the borders of this state who sells or distributes cigars or little cigars to a consumer in this state.
(3) 'Cigar distributor' means any person, whether located within or outside the borders of this state, other than a cigar dealer, who sells or distributes cigars or little cigars within or into the boundaries of this state and who:
(A) Maintains a warehouse, warehouse personnel, and salespersons who regularly contact and call on cigar dealers; and
(B) Is engaged in the business of:
(i) Importing cigars or little cigars into this state or purchasing cigars or little cigars from other cigar manufacturers or cigar distributors; and
(ii) Selling the cigars or little cigars to cigar dealers in this state for resale but is not in the business of selling the cigars or little cigars directly to the ultimate consumer of the cigars.
(4) 'Cigar importer' means any person who imports into or who brokers within the United States, either directly or indirectly, a finished cigar or little cigar for sale or distribution.
(5) 'Cigar manufacturer' means any person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, processes, or labels a finished cigar or little cigar.
(6) 'Cigarette' means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll is paper or any substance other than tobacco.
(7) 'Cigarette dealer' means any person located within the borders of this state who sells or distributes cigarettes to a consumer in this state.
(8) 'Cigarette distributor' means any person, whether located within or outside the borders of this state, other than a cigarette dealer, who sells or distributes cigarettes within or into the boundaries of this state and who:
(A) Maintains a warehouse, warehouse personnel, and salespersons who regularly contact and call on cigarette dealers; and
(B) Is engaged in the business of:
(i) Importing cigarettes into this state or purchasing cigarettes from other cigarette manufacturers or cigarette distributors; and
(ii) Selling the cigarettes to cigarette dealers in this state for resale but is not in the business of selling the cigarettes directly to the ultimate consumer of the cigarettes.
Such term shall not include any cigarette manufacturer, export warehouse proprietor, or cigarette importer with a valid permit under 26 U.S.C. Section 5712, if such person sells or distributes cigarettes in this state only to cigarette distributors who hold valid and current licenses under Code Section 48-11-4 or to an export warehouse proprietor or another cigarette manufacturer with a valid permit under 26 U.S.C. Section 5712.
(9) 'Cigarette importer' means any person who imports into or who brokers within the United States, either directly or indirectly, a finished cigarette for sale or distribution.
(10) 'Cigarette manufacturer' means any person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, processes, or labels a finished cigarette.
(11) 'Counterfeit cigarette' means cigarettes that are manufactured, fabricated, assembled, processed, packaged, or labeled by any person other than the trademark owner of a cigarette brand or the owner's designated agent.
(12) 'Dealer' means any person who is a cigar dealer, a cigarette dealer, or a loose or smokeless tobacco dealer.
(13) 'Distributor' means any person who is a cigar distributor, a cigarette distributor, or a loose or smokeless tobacco distributor.
(14) 'First taxable transaction' means the first sale, receipt, purchase, possession, consumption, handling, distribution, or use of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco within this state.
(15) 'Little cigar' means any roll for smoking weighing not more than four pounds per thousand made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll contains tobacco but is not a natural leaf tobacco wrapper.
(15)(16) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco' means granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco; snuff or snuff flour; cavendish; plug and twist tobacco; fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos; shorts; refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco; and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking but does not include cigarettes or cigars, little cigars, or cigarettes or tobacco purchased for the manufacture of cigarettes or cigars, little cigars, or cigarettes by cigarette manufacturers or cigar manufacturers.
(16)(17) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco dealer' means any person located within the borders of this state who sells or distributes loose or smokeless tobacco to a consumer in this state.
(17)(18) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco distributor' means any person who:
(A) Maintains a warehouse, warehouse personnel, and salespersons who regularly contact and call on loose or smokeless tobacco dealers; and
(B) Is engaged in the business of:
(i) Importing loose or smokeless tobacco into this state or purchasing loose or smokeless tobacco from other loose or smokeless tobacco manufacturers or loose or smokeless tobacco distributors; and
(ii) Selling the loose or smokeless tobacco to loose or smokeless tobacco dealers in this state for resale but is not in the business of selling the loose or smokeless tobacco directly to the ultimate consumer of the loose or smokeless tobacco.
(18)(19) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco importer' means any person who imports into or who brokers within the United States, either directly or indirectly, finished loose or smokeless tobacco for sale or distribution.
(19)(20) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco manufacturer' means any person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, processes, or labels finished loose or smokeless tobacco.
(20)(21) 'Related machinery' means any item, device, conveyance, or vessel of any kind or character used in manufacturing, packaging, labeling, stamping, transporting, distributing, selling, or possessing counterfeit cigarettes.
(21)(22) 'Sale' means any sale, transfer, exchange, theft, barter, gift, or offer for sale and distribution in any manner or by any means whatever.
(22)(23) 'Stamp' means any impression, device, stamp, label, or print manufactured, printed, made, or affixed as prescribed by the commissioner.
(23)(24) 'Vending machine' means any coin-in-the-slot device used for the automatic merchandising of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco."

Said title is further amended by revising Code Section 48-11-3, relating to collection of tax by stamps, sale at discount to distributors, basis of discount percentage, alternate method of collection of tax on cigars, prohibition of sale or exchange of stamps with another distributor, and redemption, as follows:
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Code section, the taxes imposed by Code Section 48-11-2 shall be collected and paid through the use of stamps. The commissioner shall secure stamps of such design and materials as the commissioner deems appropriate to protect the revenue and shall sell the stamps to licensed distributors at a discount of not less than 2 percent and not more than 8 4 percent of the value of the stamps. The exact percentage of the discount shall be based on brackets according to the volume of cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco handled by the distributor pursuant to regulations promulgated by the commissioner. The commissioner shall prescribe by regulation the condition, method, and manner in which stamps are to be affixed to containers of cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco.
(b)(1)(A) The Prior to January 1, 2013, the commissioner may prescribe by regulation an alternate method, in lieu of the sale of stamps, of collecting and paying the tax imposed upon cigars and little cigars. Any such regulations shall be promulgated so that the use of the alternate method will result in the same revenue to the state as the state would realize through the sale of stamps to the distributors.
(B) Beginning on January 1, 2013, the taxes imposed upon cigars and little cigars shall be collected and paid through the use of stamps as provided in subsection (a) of this Code Section. The commissioner shall prescribe by regulation the condition, method, and manner in which stamps are to be affixed to containers of cigars and little cigars for which taxes imposed upon cigars and little cigars were collected and paid by an alternate method prior to January 1, 2013, such that all such containers of cigars and little cigars for which taxes have been collected and paid imposed by Code Section 48-11-2 shall be required to have an affixed stamp as of April 10, 2013.
(2) The commissioner may also prescribe by regulation an alternate method, in lieu of the sale of stamps, of collecting and paying the tax imposed on loose or smokeless tobacco. Any such regulations shall be promulgated so that use of the alternate method will result in the same revenue to the state as the state would realize through the sale of stamps to the distributors.
(c) No distributor shall sell or exchange with another distributor any stamps issued pursuant to this chapter. The commissioner is authorized to redeem at cost price any stamps presented for redemption by a licensed distributor when the commissioner determines from physical inspection that no cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco has been sold by the distributor under pretense of the tax imposed by this chapter having been paid through use of the stamps."


Said title is further amended by revising Chapter 11, relating to taxes on tobacco products, as follows:
As used in this chapter, the term:
(1) 'Cigar' means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll is also tobacco.
(2) 'Cigar dealer' means any person located within the borders of this state who sells or distributes cigars or little cigars to a consumer in this state.
(3) 'Cigar distributor' means any person, whether located within or outside the borders of this state, other than a cigar dealer, who sells or distributes cigars or little cigars within or into the boundaries of this state and who:
(A) Maintains a warehouse, warehouse personnel, and salespersons who regularly contact and call on cigar dealers; and
(B) Is engaged in the business of:
(i) Importing cigars or little cigars into this state or purchasing cigars or little cigars from other cigar manufacturers or cigar distributors; and
(ii) Selling the cigars or little cigars to cigar dealers in this state for resale but is not in the business of selling the cigars or little cigars directly to the ultimate consumer of the cigars.
(4) 'Cigar importer' means any person who imports into or who brokers within the United States, either directly or indirectly, a finished cigar or little cigar for sale or distribution.
(5) 'Cigar manufacturer' means any person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, processes, or labels a finished cigar or little cigar.
(6) 'Cigarette' means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco when the cover of the roll is paper or any substance other than tobacco.
(7) 'Cigarette dealer' means any person located within the borders of this state who sells or distributes cigarettes to a consumer in this state.
(8) 'Cigarette distributor' means any person, whether located within or outside the borders of this state, other than a cigarette dealer, who sells or distributes cigarettes within or into the boundaries of this state and who:
(A) Maintains a warehouse, warehouse personnel, and salespersons who regularly contact and call on cigarette dealers; and
(B) Is engaged in the business of:
(i) Importing cigarettes into this state or purchasing cigarettes from other cigarette manufacturers or cigarette distributors; and
(ii) Selling the cigarettes to cigarette dealers in this state for resale but is not in the business of selling the cigarettes directly to the ultimate consumer of the cigarettes.
Such term shall not include any cigarette manufacturer, export warehouse proprietor, or cigarette importer with a valid permit under 26 U.S.C. Section 5712, if such person sells or distributes cigarettes in this state only to cigarette distributors who hold valid and current licenses under Code Section 48-11-4 or to an export warehouse proprietor or another cigarette manufacturer with a valid permit under 26 U.S.C. Section 5712.
(9) 'Cigarette importer' means any person who imports into or who brokers within the United States, either directly or indirectly, a finished cigarette for sale or distribution.
(10) 'Cigarette manufacturer' means any person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, processes, or labels a finished cigarette.
(11) 'Counterfeit cigarette' means cigarettes that are manufactured, fabricated, assembled, processed, packaged, or labeled by any person other than the trademark owner of a cigarette brand or the owner's designated agent.
(12) 'Dealer' means any person who is a cigar dealer, a cigarette dealer, or a loose or smokeless tobacco dealer.
(13) 'Distributor' means any person who is a cigar distributor, a cigarette distributor, or a loose or smokeless tobacco distributor.
(14) 'First taxable transaction' means the first sale, receipt, purchase, possession, consumption, handling, distribution, or use of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco within this state.
(15) 'Little cigar' means any roll for smoking made wholly or in part of tobacco if the product is wrapped in any substance containing tobacco, other than a natural leaf tobacco wrapper, and weighing not more than four pounds per thousand.
(15)(16) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco' means granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco; snuff or snuff flour; cavendish; plug and twist tobacco; fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos; shorts; refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings, and sweepings of tobacco; and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking but does not include cigarettes or cigars, little cigars, or cigarettes or tobacco purchased for the manufacture of cigarettes or cigars, little cigars, or cigarettes by cigarette manufacturers or cigar manufacturers.
(16)(17) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco dealer' means any person located within the borders of this state who sells or distributes loose or smokeless tobacco to a consumer in this state.
(17)(18) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco distributor' means any person who:
(A) Maintains a warehouse, warehouse personnel, and salespersons who regularly contact and call on loose or smokeless tobacco dealers; and
(B) Is engaged in the business of:
(i) Importing loose or smokeless tobacco into this state or purchasing loose or smokeless tobacco from other loose or smokeless tobacco manufacturers or loose or smokeless tobacco distributors; and
(ii) Selling the loose or smokeless tobacco to loose or smokeless tobacco dealers in this state for resale but is not in the business of selling the loose or smokeless tobacco directly to the ultimate consumer of the loose or smokeless tobacco.
(18)(19) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco importer' means any person who imports into or who brokers within the United States, either directly or indirectly, finished loose or smokeless tobacco for sale or distribution.
(19)(20) 'Loose or smokeless tobacco manufacturer' means any person who manufactures, fabricates, assembles, processes, or labels finished loose or smokeless tobacco.
(20)(21) 'Related machinery' means any item, device, conveyance, or vessel of any kind or character used in manufacturing, packaging, labeling, stamping, transporting, distributing, selling, or possessing counterfeit cigarettes.
(22) 'Retail unit' means the quantity or packaging bundle as determined by the commissioner that must bear a stamp.
(21)(23) 'Sale' means any sale, transfer, exchange, theft, barter, gift, or offer for sale and distribution in any manner or by any means whatever.
(22)(24) 'Stamp' means any impression, device, stamp, label, or print manufactured, printed, made, or affixed as prescribed by the commissioner.
(23)(25) 'Vending machine' means any coin-in-the-slot device used for the automatic merchandising of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco.

(a) An excise tax, in addition to all other taxes of every kind imposed by law, is imposed upon the sale, receipt, purchase, possession, consumption, handling, distribution, or use of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco in this state at the following rates:
(1) Little cigars weighing not more than three pounds per thousand: two and one-half mills each Cigars other than little cigars: 10¢ per cigar;
(2) All other cigars: 23 percent of the wholesale cost price, exclusive of any trade, cash, or other discounts or any promotion, advertising, display, or similar allowances Little cigars: 37¢ per pack of 20 little cigars and a like rate, pro rata, for other size packages;
(3) Cigarettes: 37¢ per pack of 20 cigarettes and a like rate, pro rata, for other size packages; and
(4) Loose or smokeless tobacco: 10 percent of the wholesale cost price, exclusive of any trade, cash, or other discounts or any promotion, advertising, display, or similar allowances.
(b) When the retail selling price is referred to in this chapter as the basis for computing the tax, it is intended to mean the ordinary retail selling price of the article to the consumer before adding the amount of the tax.
(c) The taxes imposed by this chapter are levied with respect to the purchase or use of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco by the state or any department, institution, or agency of the state and by the political subdivisions of the state and their departments, institutions, and agencies. The taxes imposed by this chapter are not imposed with respect to cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco purchased exclusively for use by the patients at the Georgia War Veterans Home and the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home.
(d) The taxes imposed by this chapter are not levied with respect to cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco the purchase or use of which this state is prohibited from taxing under the Constitution or statutes of the United States.
(e) The taxes imposed by this chapter shall be advanced and paid by the dealer or distributor licensed pursuant to this chapter to the commissioner for deposit and distribution as provided in this chapter upon the first taxable transaction within the state, whether or not the transaction involves the ultimate purchaser or consumer. The seller licensed dealer or distributor shall collect the tax on the first transaction within the state from the purchaser or consumer and the purchaser or consumer shall pay the tax to the seller or distributor. The seller dealer or distributor shall be responsible for the collection of the tax and the payment of the tax to the commissioner. Whenever cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is shipped from outside the state to anyone other than a distributor, the person receiving the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco shall be deemed to be a distributor and shall be immediately responsible for the tax on the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco and the payment of the tax to the commissioner. No tobacco products shall be sold in or shipped into this state unless lawfully obtained from a person licensed pursuant to this chapter.
(f) The amount of taxes advanced and paid to the state as provided in this Code section shall be added to and collected as a part of the sales price of the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco sold or distributed. The amount of the tax shall be stated separately from the price of the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco.
(g) The cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco tax imposed shall be collected only once upon the same cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco.

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Code section, the taxes imposed by Code Section 48-11-2 shall be collected and paid through the use of stamps. The commissioner shall secure stamps of such design and materials as the commissioner deems appropriate to protect the revenue and shall sell the stamps to licensed distributors at a discount of not less than 2 percent and not more than 8 4 percent of the value of the stamps. The exact percentage of the discount shall be based on brackets according to the volume of cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco handled by the distributor pursuant to regulations promulgated by the commissioner. The commissioner shall prescribe by regulation the condition, method, and manner in which stamps are to be affixed to containers or retail units of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco.
(b) The commissioner may prescribe by regulation an alternate method, in lieu of the sale of stamps, of collecting and paying the tax imposed upon cigars and little cigars. The commissioner may also prescribe by regulation an alternate method, in lieu of the sale of stamps, of collecting and paying the tax imposed on loose or smokeless tobacco. Any such regulations shall be promulgated so that use of the alternate method will result in the same revenue to the state as the state would realize through the sale of stamps to the distributors.
(c) No distributor shall sell or exchange with another distributor any stamps issued pursuant to this chapter. The commissioner is authorized to redeem at cost price any stamps presented for redemption by a licensed distributor when the commissioner determines from physical inspection that no cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco has been sold by the distributor under pretense of the tax imposed by this chapter having been paid through use of the stamps.

(a) No person shall engage in or conduct the business of manufacturing, importing, brokering, purchasing, selling, consigning, vending, dealing in, shipping, receiving, or distributing cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco in this state without first obtaining a license from the commissioner.
(b) All licenses shall be issued by the commissioner, who shall make rules and regulations with respect to applications for and issuance of the licenses and for other purposes of enforcing this chapter. The commissioner may refuse to issue any license under this chapter when the commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that the applicant has willfully withheld information requested of the applicant or required by the regulations to be provided or reported or when the commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that the information submitted in any application or report is false or misleading and is not given in good faith.
(c)(1) The fee for a manufacturer's, importer's, or distributor's, or dealer's license shall be $50.00 annually, except that for a person commencing business as a manufacturer, importer, or distributor for the first time the first year's fee shall be $250.00. Each dealer shall have a permanent license issued by the commissioner free of charge.
(2) All renewal applications shall be filed at least 30 days in advance of the expiration date shown on the license. Each license, except a dealer's license, shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the next succeeding year. Each dealer's license shall be valid for 12 months from the date of issue for the initial license and shall be valid for 12 months from the first day of the month of issue for all subsequent licenses. The prescribed fee shall accompany every application for a license and shall apply for any portion of the annual period.
(3) Each manufacturer's, importer's, distributor's, or dealer's license shall be subject to suspension or revocation for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of the rules and regulations made pursuant to this chapter. A separate license shall be required for each place of business. No person shall hold a distributor's license and a dealer's license at the same time.
(d) The commissioner may make rules and regulations governing the sale of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, and other tobacco products in vending machines. The commissioner shall require annually a special registration of each vending machine for any operation in this state and charge a license fee for the registration in the amount of $1.00 $10.00 for each machine. The annual registration shall indicate the location of the vending machine. No vending machine shall be purchased or transported into this state for use in this state when the vending machine is not so designed as to permit inspection without opening the machine for the purpose of determining that all cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, and other tobacco products contained in the machine bear the tax stamp required under this chapter.
(e) The manufacturer's, importer's, distributor's, or dealer's license shall be exhibited in the place of business for which it is issued in the manner prescribed by the commissioner. The commissioner shall require each licensed manufacturer, importer, or distributor to file with the commissioner a bond in an amount of not less than $1,000.00 to guarantee the proper performance of the manufacturer's, importer's, or distributor's duties and the discharge of the manufacturer's, importer's, or distributor's liabilities under this chapter. The bond shall run concurrently with the manufacturer's, importer's, or distributor's license but shall remain in full force and effect for a period of one year after the expiration or revocation of the manufacturer's, importer's, or distributor's license unless the commissioner certifies that all obligations due the state arising under this chapter have been paid.
(f) The jurisdiction of the commissioner in the administration of this chapter shall extend to every person using or consuming cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco in this state and to every person dealing in cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco in any way for business purposes and maintaining a place of business in this state. For the purpose of this chapter, the maintaining of an office, store, plant, warehouse, stock of goods, or regular sales or promotional activity, whether carried on automatically or by salespersons or other representatives, shall constitute, among other activities, the maintaining of a place of business. For the purpose of enforcement of this chapter and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder under this chapter, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the commissioner or his or her duly appointed hearing officer is granted authority to conduct hearings which shall at all times be exercised in conformity with the rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner and consistent with Chapter 13 of Title 50, the 'Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.'
(g) The commissioner may provide for the licensing of promotional activities, not including the sale of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco, carried on by the manufacturer. The fee for any such license shall be $10.00 annually.

(a)(1) If the commissioner finds that the collection of the tax imposed by this chapter would be facilitated by such action, the commissioner may authorize any person residing or located outside this state who is engaged in the business of manufacturing cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco or any person residing or located outside this state who ships cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco into this state for sale to licensed dealers in this state, to be licensed as a distributor and, after the person complies with the commissioner's requirements, to affix or cause to be affixed the stamps required by this chapter on behalf of the purchasers of the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco who would otherwise be taxable for the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco. The commissioner may sell tax stamps to an authorized person or may authorize the use of a metering machine by the person as provided in Code Section 48-11-3.
(2) The commissioner shall require a bond of a nonresident distributor satisfactory to the commissioner and in an amount of not less than $1,000.00 $5,000.00, conditioned upon the payment of the tax and compliance with any other requirements specified by the commissioner. As a condition of authorization as provided in this Code section, a nonresident distributor shall agree to submit the distributor's books, accounts, and records for examination by the commissioner or the commissioner's duly authorized agent during reasonable business hours and shall appoint in writing an agent who resides in this state for the purpose of service. Service upon an agent shall be sufficient service upon the nonresident distributor and made by leaving a duly attested copy of the process with the agent. When legal process against any nonresident distributor is served upon the agent, the agent shall notify the nonresident distributor in the manner specified in Code Section 40-12-2.
(3) Upon the grant of authorization as provided in this subsection and except as may otherwise be determined by the commissioner, a nonresident distributor shall become a licensed distributor within the meaning of this chapter and shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter applicable to licensed distributors.
(b) Every nonresident manufacturer, importer, or distributor of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco making shipments of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco by common carrier or otherwise for their own account or for the account of others to distributors or dealers of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco located within this state shall make reports of the shipments when and as required by rules and regulations of the commissioner.

The commissioner may suspend or refuse to renew a license issued to any person under this chapter for violation of any provision of this chapter or of any rule or regulation of the commissioner made pursuant to this chapter. After notice and opportunity for hearing, the commissioner may revoke a license issued to any person under this chapter for violation of any provision of this chapter or of any rule or regulation of the commissioner made pursuant to this chapter. Any person aggrieved by the suspension of or refusal to renew his license may apply to the commissioner for a hearing as provided in subsection (a) of Code Section 48-11-18; and any person aggrieved by the action of the commissioner in revoking or refusing to renew his license after hearing may further appeal to the courts as provided in subsection (b) of Code Section 48-11-18. No legal proceedings or other action by the commissioner shall be barred or abated by the suspension, revocation, or expiration of any license issued under this chapter.

Each bond required to be filed pursuant to this chapter shall be executed by the distributor as principal and, as surety, by a corporation authorized to engage in business as a surety company in this state.

(a)(1) No person shall sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sell any cigarettes in this state when the cigarette container does not bear the tax stamps required by Code Section 48-11-3.
(2) No person shall sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sell in this state any cigars or little cigars upon which the tax has not been paid under the alternate method of collecting the taxes provided in Code Section 48-11-3 or which do not bear the tax stamps required by Code Section 48-11-3.
(3) No person shall sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sell any loose or smokeless tobacco in this state when the loose or smokeless tobacco container does not bear the tax stamps required by Code Section 48-11-3 or upon which the tax has not been paid under the alternate method of collecting the tax provided under Code Section 48-11-3.
(4) No person shall sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sell cigarettes as prohibited by Code Section 10-13A-5.
(b) Each distributor at the location for which such distributor's license is issued and in the manner specified by the commissioner shall affix the stamps required by this Code section to each individual package or retail unit of cigarettes, cigars, or little cigars sold or distributed by such distributor, except as prohibited by Code Section 10-13A-5. Each distributor shall comply with the commissioner's regulations for the payment of the tax on cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco as provided in Code Section 48-11-3 or shall affix to each container of cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco sold by such distributor or from which such distributor sells cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco the stamps required by this chapter. The stamps may be affixed or the tax under the alternate method may be paid by a distributor at any time before the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is transferred out of such distributor's possession.
(c) It is the intent of this chapter that the tax imposed by this chapter be paid only once and that, if the distributor acquires stamped cigarettes, tax-paid cigars, stamped cigars, stamped little cigars, stamped loose or smokeless tobacco, or tax-paid loose or smokeless tobacco, such distributor is not required to affix additional stamps or provide other evidence of payment of the tax.
(d) Every dealer or person who comes into possession of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco not bearing proper tax stamps or other evidence of the tax imposed by this chapter shall immediately report the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco to the commissioner prior to displaying, selling, using, or otherwise disposing of the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco. After a report, the commissioner shall authorize a licensed distributor to affix the proper stamps to the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco or, in the case of cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco, authorize the dealer to remit the tax by the alternate method promulgated by the commissioner in accordance with Code Section 48-11-3. A licensed distributor shall affix the stamps or comply with the alternate regulations when presented a permit for such action issued by the commissioner. A licensed distributor shall stamp cigarettes, cigars, or little cigars or comply with the alternate method provided in this chapter with respect to cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco, other than such distributor's own, only when authorized by the permit issued by the commissioner.
(e) No wholesale or retail distributor or wholesale or retail dealer shall accept deliveries of unstamped cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco or nontax-paid cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco which is shipped to such distributor or acquired by such distributor at any place within the state except as authorized and provided in this Code section. All cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco shall be examined by the distributor, or dealer, or person on receipt, and the distributor, dealer, or person shall immediately report the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco to the commissioner as provided in subsection (d) of this Code section.
(f) The commissioner may prescribe the charges which may be made by a distributor to any person for the services of the distributor as provided in this chapter in affixing the tax stamps to each individual package or retail unit of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco and may prescribe the charges which may be made by a distributor in complying with the commissioner's alternate regulations for the collection of the tax on cigars and little cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco.
(g) This Code section shall not apply to unstamped cigars and little cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco upon which the tax has been paid in accordance with the alternate regulations promulgated by the commissioner under Code Section 48-11-3.

(a)(1) Any cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco found at any place in this state without stamps affixed to them as required by this chapter and any cigarettes seized pursuant to subsection (b) of Code Section 10-13A-8 are declared to be contraband articles and may shall be seized by the commissioner, the commissioner's agents or employees, or any peace officer of this state when directed by the commissioner to do so.
(2) Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply when:
(A) The tax has been paid on the unstamped cigars and little cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco in accordance with the commissioner's regulations promulgated pursuant to Code Section 48-11-3;
(B) The cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is in the possession of a licensed distributor;
(C) The cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is in course of transit from outside the state and is consigned to a licensed distributor;
(D) The cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is in the possession of a transporter who is in compliance with Code Section 48-11-22; or
(E) The cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is in the possession of a registered taxpayer as defined in Code Section 48-11-14 and the time for making the report required by Code Section 48-11-14 has not expired.
(3) This subsection shall not be construed to require the commissioner to confiscate unstamped or nontax-paid cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco or other property when the commissioner has reason to believe that the owner of the cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or property is not willfully or intentionally evading the tax imposed by this chapter.
(b) Any cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or other property seized pursuant to this chapter may be offered for sale by the commissioner, at the commissioner's discretion, at public auction to the highest bidder after advertisement as provided in this Code section. The commissioner shall deliver to the Office of the State Treasurer the proceeds of any sale made under this Code section. Before delivering any cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco sold to a purchaser at the sale, the commissioner shall require the purchaser to affix to the packages or retail units the amount of stamps required by this chapter or to comply with the commissioner's alternate method. The seizure and sale of any cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or property pursuant to this chapter shall not relieve any person from a fine, imprisonment, or other penalty for violation of this chapter.
(c) When any cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or other property has been seized pursuant to this chapter, the commissioner, at the commissioner's discretion, may advertise it for sale in a newspaper published or having a circulation in the place in which the seizure occurred, at least five days before the sale. Any person claiming an interest in the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or other property may make written application to the commissioner for a hearing. The application shall state the person's interest in the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or other property and such person's reasons why the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or other property should not be forfeited. Further proceedings on the application for hearing shall be taken as provided in subsection (a) of Code Section 48-11-18. No sale of any cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or property seized pursuant to this chapter shall be made while an application for a hearing is pending before the commissioner. The pendency of an appeal under subsection (b) of Code Section 48-11-18 shall not prevent the sale unless the appellant posts a satisfactory bond with surety in an amount double the estimated value of the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, loose or smokeless tobacco, or other property and conditioned upon the successful termination of the appeal.
(d) Any vending machine containing or dispensing any cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco which does not bear the tax stamps required under this chapter or containing or dispensing any cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco upon which the tax has not been paid either through the purchase of stamps or the alternate procedure provided by the commissioner as required under this chapter shall be a contraband article. The commissioner may shall seize any such machine and deal with it in the same manner as provided by law for the seizure and sale of unstamped cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, or loose or smokeless tobacco and nontax-paid cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco.

(a) Every licensed distributor shall file with the commissioner, on or before the tenth day of each month, a report in the form prescribed by the commissioner and disclosing:
(1) The quantity of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco on hand on the first and last days of the calendar month immediately preceding the month in which the report is filed;
(2) Information required by the commissioner concerning the amount of stamps purchased, used, and on hand during the report period; and
(3) Information otherwise required by the commissioner for the report period.
(b) The commissioner may require other reports as the commissioner deems necessary for the proper administration of this chapter including, but not limited to, reports from common carriers and warehousemen with respect to cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco delivered to or stored at any point in this state.
(c) Any person who fails to file any report when due shall forfeit as a penalty for each day after the due date until the report is filed the sum of $1.00 $25.00, to be collected in the manner provided in subsection (c) of Code Section 48-11-24 for the collection of penalties.

(a) Each distributor and each dealer shall keep complete and accurate records of all cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco manufactured, produced, purchased, and sold. The original records shall be of the kind and in the form prescribed by the commissioner or a complete and legible photocopy or electronic image and shall be safely preserved for three years in an appropriate manner to ensure permanency and accessibility for inspection by the commissioner and the commissioner's authorized agents. The commissioner and the commissioner's authorized agents may examine the books, papers, and records of any distributor or dealer in this state for the purpose of determining whether the tax imposed by this chapter has been fully paid and, for the purpose of determining whether the provisions of this chapter are properly observed, may investigate and examine the stock of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco in or upon any premises including, but not limited to, public and private warehouses where the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is possessed, stored, or sold. Invoices sufficient to cover current inventory at a licensed location shall be maintained at that licensed location and made available for immediate inspection. All other records may be kept at a locality other than the licensed location and shall be provided for inspection within two business days after receipt of notification from the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized agents to make such records available.
(b) The commissioner and his authorized agents may examine the books, papers, and records of any transportation company, any common, contract, or private carrier, and any public or private warehouse for the purpose of determining whether the provisions of this chapter are properly observed.

(a)(1) The commissioner shall assess a deficiency and may assess a penalty of 10 percent of the deficiency if, after an examination of the invoices, books, and records of a licensed distributor or dealer or of any other information obtained by the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized agents, the commissioner determines that:
(A) The report of the licensed distributor or licensed dealer is incorrect;
(B) The licensed distributor or dealer has not paid the tax in accordance with the alternate regulations promulgated by the commissioner under Code Section 48-11-3; or
(C) The licensed distributor or dealer has not purchased sufficient stamps to cover such licensed distributor or dealer's receipts for sales or other disposition of unstamped cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco and nontax-paid cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco.
(2) In any case where a licensed distributor or dealer cannot produce evidence of sufficient stamps purchased or other payment of the tax to cover the receipt of unstamped cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco or nontax-paid cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco, it shall be assumed that the cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco were sold without having either the proper stamps affixed or the tax paid on unstamped cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco.
(b) If the commissioner determines that the deficiency or any part of the deficiency is due to a fraudulent intent to evade the tax, a penalty of 50 percent of the deficiency shall be added to the amount due.

(a) There is imposed a tax on every person for the privilege of using, consuming, or storing cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco in this state on which the tax imposed by Code Section 48-11-2 has not been paid. The tax shall be measured by and graduated in accordance with the volume of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco used, consumed, or stored as set forth in Code Section 48-11-2.
(b) This Code section shall not apply to:
(1) Cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco in the hands of a licensed distributor or dealer;
(2) Cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco in the possession of a carrier complying with Code Section 48-11-22;
(3) Cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco stored in a public warehouse;
(4) Cigarettes in an amount not exceeding 200 cigarettes which have been brought into the state on the person;
(5) Cigars in an amount not exceeding 20 cigars which have been brought into the state on the person; or
(6) Little cigars in an amount not exceeding 200 little cigars which have been brought into the state on the person; or
(6)(7) Loose or smokeless tobacco in an amount not exceeding six containers which has been brought into the state on the person.

(a) Before any person acquires cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco subject to the tax imposed by Code Section 48-11-13, such person shall register with the commissioner as a responsible taxpayer subject to the obligation of maintaining records and making reports in the form prescribed by the commissioner. The report shall be made on or before the tenth day of the month following the month in which the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco was acquired and shall be accompanied by the amount of tax due.
(b) If any person subject to the tax imposed by Code Section 48-11-13 fails to make the required report or makes an incorrect report, the commissioner shall assess the correct amount of tax due from that person from the best information available to him or her. A copy of the assessment shall be furnished the person by registered or certified mail or statutory overnight delivery, return receipt requested, or by personal service. Any person aggrieved by any assessment pursuant to this Code section may request a hearing in the manner provided in subsection (a) of Code Section 48-11-18.
(c) Every person subject to the tax imposed by Code Section 48-11-13 who fails to register with the commissioner as a responsible taxpayer, who fails to make a report within the time specified, or who fails to remit the tax within the time specified may be required to pay a penalty of not less than $25.00 nor more than $250.00 in addition to the tax and any other penalties imposed by law and found due by the commissioner. The commissioner may proceed to collect the tax and penalty in the manner provided in subsection (c) of Code Section 48-11-24.
(d) Except as otherwise provided in this Code section, the sanctions and penalties set forth in Code Sections 48-11-15, 48-11-17, 48-11-18, and 48-11-20 through 48-11-24 and in Code Sections 48-7-2 and 48-13-38 shall be imposed where applicable for any violations of this chapter by consumers.

The Office of the State Treasurer is authorized to pay, on the order of the commissioner, claims for refunds of cigar, little cigar, cigarette, or loose or smokeless tobacco taxes found by the commissioner or the courts to be due any distributor, dealer, or taxpayer. The commissioner, upon proof satisfactory to the commissioner and in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commissioner, shall refund the cost price of stamps affixed to any package or retail unit of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco or shall refund the tax paid on cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco under the alternate method when the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco has become unfit for use, consumption, or sale and has been securely destroyed or shipped out of the state.

(a) The commissioner may permit licensed distributors to purchase tax stamps from the department on account. Permits may be granted only to licensed distributors who post bonds with the commissioner in amounts sufficient in the opinion of the commissioner to secure payment for stamps delivered on account. Tax stamps purchased by licensed distributors shall be paid for in full on or before the twentieth day of the month next succeeding the purchase. The bond provided in this Code section shall be secured by cash which shall bear no interest, by negotiable securities approved by the Office of the State Treasurer, or by a surety bond executed by a surety company licensed to do business in this state and approved by the commissioner.
(b) The commissioner may cancel without notice any permit or authorization issued under this Code section if the licensed distributor fails or refuses to comply with the requirements of this Code section or with the rules and regulations adopted under authority of this Code section.
(c) On or before June 30 of each fiscal year, the licensed distributor shall pay in its entirety any liability for the purchase of tax stamps due at that time.

The amount of any unpaid tax shall be a lien against the property of any distributor or dealer who sells cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco without collecting the tax and against the property of any person using or consuming cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco without proper stamps affixed to the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco or without the tax paid on the cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco as otherwise provided in this chapter. The commissioner or the commissioner's authorized agents are authorized to seize the property of a delinquent distributor, dealer, or taxpayer and sell it as provided by law to satisfy the claim for taxes due under this chapter; or the commissioner may record the commissioner's lien specifying and describing the property against which the lien is effective, and the lien shall be good as against any other person until the claim for taxes is satisfied.

(a) Any person aggrieved by any action of the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized agent may apply to the commissioner, in writing within ten days after the notice of the action is delivered or mailed to the commissioner, for a hearing. The application shall set forth the reasons why the hearing should be granted and the manner of relief sought. The commissioner shall notify the applicant of the time and place fixed for the hearing. After the hearing, the commissioner may make an order as may appear to the commissioner to be just and lawful and shall furnish a copy of the order to the applicant. The commissioner at any time by notice in writing may order a hearing on the commissioner's own initiative and require the taxpayer or any other person whom the commissioner believes to be in possession of information concerning any manufacture, importation, delivery, receipt, use, consumption, storage, or sale of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco which has escaped taxation to appear before the commissioner or the commissioner's duly authorized agent with any specific books of account, papers, or other documents for examination under oath relative to the information.
(b) Any person aggrieved because of any final action or decision of the commissioner, after hearing, may appeal from the decision to the superior court of the county in which the appellant resides. The appeal shall be returnable at the same time and shall be served and returned in the same manner as required in the case of a summons in a civil action. The authority issuing the citation shall take from the appellant a bond of recognizance to the state, with surety, conditioned to prosecute the appeal and to effect and comply with the orders and decrees of the court. The action of the commissioner shall be sustained unless the court finds that he the commissioner misinterpreted this chapter or that there is no evidence to support his the commissioner's action. If the commissioner's action is not sustained, the court may grant equitable relief to the appellant. Upon all appeals which are denied, costs may be taxed against the appellant at the discretion of the court. No costs of any appeal shall be taxed against the state.
(a) Each person appointed by the commissioner as a special agent or enforcement officer of the department for the enforcement of the laws of this state with respect to the manufacture, transportation, distribution, sale, possession, and taxation of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, little cigars, and loose or smokeless tobacco shall have the authority throughout the state to:
(1) Obtain and execute warrants for arrest of persons charged with violations of such laws;
(2) Obtain and execute search warrants in the enforcement of such laws;
(3) Arrest without warrant any person violating such laws in the officer's presence or within such officer's immediate knowledge when there is likely to be a failure of enforcement of such laws for want of a judicial officer to issue a warrant;
(4) Make investigations in the enforcement of such laws and, in connection with such investigations, to go upon any property outside buildings, whether posted or otherwise, in the performance of such officer's duties;
(5) Seize and take possession of all property which is declared contraband under such laws; and
(6) Carry firearms while performing such officer's duties.
(b) Each special agent or enforcement officer shall file with the commissioner a public official's bond in the amount of $1,000.00, the cost of the bond to be borne by the department. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to relieve agents and officers, after making an arrest, from the duties imposed generally to obtain a warrant promptly and to return arrested persons without undue delay before a person authorized to examine, commit, or receive bail as required by general law.
(c) After a special agent or enforcement officer has accumulated 25 years of service with the department, upon leaving the department under honorable conditions, such special agent or enforcement officer shall be entitled as part of such officer's compensation to retain his or her weapon and badge pursuant to regulations promulgated by the commissioner.
(d) As used in this subsection, the term 'disability' means a disability that prevents an individual from working as a law enforcement officer. When a special agent or enforcement officer leaves the department as a result of a disability arising in the line of duty, such special agent or enforcement officer shall be entitled as part of such officer's compensation to retain his or her weapon and badge in accordance with regulations promulgated by the commissioner.

The failure to do any act required by this chapter shall be deemed an act committed in part at the office of the commissioner in Atlanta. The certificate of the commissioner to the effect that any act required by this chapter has not been done shall be prima-facie evidence that the act has not been done.

The superior courts of this state shall have jurisdiction of offenses against this chapter which are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both.

(a) Every person who transports upon the public highways, roads, and streets of this state cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco not stamped or on which tax has not been paid in accordance with the alternate regulations provided by the commissioner under Code Section 48-11-3 shall have in such person's actual possession invoices or delivery tickets for the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, and loose or smokeless tobacco which show the true name and address of the consignor or seller, the true name of the consignee or purchaser, the quantity and brands of the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco transported, and the name and address of the person who has assumed or shall assume the payment of the tax at the point of ultimate destination. In the absence of the invoices or delivery tickets, the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco being transported and the vehicles in which the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is being transported shall be confiscated and disposed of as provided in Code Section 48-11-9; and the transporter may be liable for a penalty of not more than $25.00 for each individual carton of cigarettes, $50.00 for each individual box of cigars, $50.00 for each individual carton of little cigars, $50.00 for each individual carton of cigarettes, and $25.00 $50.00 for each individual container of loose or smokeless tobacco being transported by such person. The penalty shall be recovered as provided in subsection (c) of Code Section 48-11-24.
(b) This Code section shall apply only with respect to the transportation of more than 200 cigarettes, more than 20 cigars, or more than six containers of loose or smokeless tobacco.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to evade the tax imposed by this chapter, to transport cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco in violation of Code Section 48-11-22.
(b) Any person who violates Code Section 48-11-22 by transporting more than 20 but less than 60 cigars, more than 200 but less than 600 little cigars, more than 200 but less than 600 cigarettes, or more than six but less than 18 containers of loose or smokeless tobacco shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(c) Any person who violates Code Section 48-11-22 by transporting 60 or more but less than 200 cigars; 600 or more but less than 2,000 little cigars; 600 or more but less than 2,000 cigarettes; or 18 or more but less than 60 containers of loose or smokeless tobacco shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.
(d) Any person who violates Code Section 48-11-22 by transporting 200 or more cigars; 2,000 or more little cigars; 2,000 or more cigarettes; or 60 or more containers of loose or smokeless tobacco shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned for not less than three years nor more than ten years.

(a) As used in this Code section, the term 'package' means a pack, carton, or container of any kind in which cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco is offered for sale, sold, or otherwise distributed, or intended for distribution, to consumers.
(b) No tax stamp may be affixed to, or made upon, any package or retail unit of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco if:
(1) The package differs in any respect with the requirements of the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 1331, et seq., for the placement of labels, warnings, or any other information upon a package of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco that is to be sold within the United States;
(2) The package is labeled 'For Export Only,' 'U.S. Tax Exempt,' 'For Use Outside U.S.,' or similar wording indicating that the manufacturer did not intend that the product be sold in the United States;
(3) The package or retail unit, or a package or retail unit containing individually stamped packages or retail units, has been altered by adding or deleting the wording, labels, or warnings described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection;
(4) The package has been imported into the United States after January 1, 2000, in violation of 26 U.S.C. Sec. 5754;
(5) The package in any way violates federal trademark or copyright laws; or
(6) The package in any way violates Code Section 10-13A-5.
(c) Any person who sells or holds for sale a cigar, little cigar, cigarette, or loose or smokeless tobacco package to which is affixed a tax stamp in violation of subsection (b) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the commissioner may revoke any license issued under this chapter to any person who sells or holds for sale a cigar, little cigar, cigarette, or loose or smokeless tobacco package or retail unit to which is affixed a tax stamp in violation of subsection (b) of this Code section.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the commissioner may seize and destroy or sell to the manufacturer, only for export, packages or retail units that do not comply with subsection (b) of this Code section.
(f) A violation of subsection (b) of this Code section shall constitute an unfair and deceptive act or practice under Part 2 of Article 15 of Chapter 1 of Title 10, the 'Fair Business Practices Act of 1975.'

(a) Any person who possesses unstamped cigars, little cigars, or cigarettes or loose or smokeless tobacco or nontax-paid cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco in violation of this chapter shall be liable for a penalty of not more than $25.00 $50.00 for each individual carton or retail unit of unstamped cigars, little cigars, or cigarettes or loose or smokeless tobacco and $50.00 for each individual box container of nontax-paid cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco in his or her possession.
(b) Any person who engages in any business or activity for which a license is required by this chapter without first having obtained a license to do so or any person who continues to engage in or conduct the business after his the person's license has been revoked or during a suspension of the license shall be liable for a penalty of not more than $250.00 guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned for a period not to exceed 12 months, a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both. Each day that the business is engaged in or conducted shall be deemed a separate offense.
(c) Proceedings to enforce and collect the penalties provided by this chapter shall be brought by and in the name of the commissioner. With respect to offenses committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the court, each superior court shall have jurisdiction to enforce and collect the penalty. The costs recoverable in any such proceeding shall be recovered by the commissioner in the event of judgment in his the commissioner's favor. If the judgment is for the defendant, it shall be without costs against the commissioner. All expenses incident to the recovery of any penalty pursuant to this Code section shall be paid in the same manner as any other expense incident to the administration of this chapter.

(a)(1) It shall be unlawful for any person, with the intent to evade the tax imposed by this chapter, to possess unstamped cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco or nontax-paid cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco.
(2) Any person who violates paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(b)(1) It shall be unlawful for any person, with the intent to evade the tax imposed by this chapter, to:
(A) Sell cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco without the stamps required by this chapter being affixed to the cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco; or
(B) Sell cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco without the stamp or stamps required by this chapter or without the tax being paid on the cigars or loose or smokeless tobacco in accordance with the alternate method.
(2) Any person who violates paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned for not less than one year three years nor more than ten years.

(a) With respect to this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person, with the intent to defraud the state or evade the payment of any tax, penalty, or interest or any part of a payment when due, to:
(1) Willfully fail or refuse to file any report or statement required to be filed pursuant to this chapter or by the commissioner's rules and regulations;
(2) File or cause to be filed with the commissioner any false or fraudulent report or statement; or
(3) Aid or abet another in the filing with the commissioner of any false or fraudulent report or statement.
(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 for each separate offense.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(1) Make a false entry upon any invoices or any record relating to the purchase, possession, or sale of cigars, little cigars, cigarettes, or loose or smokeless tobacco; or
(2) With intent to evade any tax imposed by this chapter, present any false entry upon any such invoice or record for the inspection of the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized agents.
(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $250.00 $1,000.00 for each separate offense.

(a) With respect to this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to:
(1) Fraudulently make, utter, forge, or counterfeit any stamp prescribed by the commissioner;
(2) Cause or procure a violation of paragraph (1) of this subsection to be done;
(3) Willfully utter, publish, pass, or render as true any false, altered, forged, or counterfeited stamp;
(4) Knowingly possess any false, altered, forged, or counterfeited stamp;
(5) For the purpose of evading the tax imposed, use more than once any stamp required by this chapter; or
(6) Tamper with or cause to be tampered with any metering machine authorized to be used.
(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this Code section shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned for not less than one year three years nor more than ten years.

(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(1) Knowingly swear to or affirm any false or fraudulent statement with intent to evade the payment of any tax imposed by this chapter; or
(2) Under oath, testify falsely at any hearing held pursuant to this chapter.
(b) Any person who violates subsection (a) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor Reserved.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the sale or possession for sale of counterfeit cigarettes by any person shall result in the seizure of the product and related machinery by the commissioner or his or her authorized agents and any law enforcement agency at the direction of the commissioner and shall be punishable as follows:
(1) A first violation with a total quantity of less than two cartons of cigarettes shall be punishable by a fine of $1,000.00 or five times the retail value of the cigarettes involved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five years, or both the fine and imprisonment;
(2) A subsequent violation with a total quantity of less than two cartons of cigarettes shall be punishable by a fine of $5,000.00 or five times the retail value of the cigarettes involved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five years, or both the fine and imprisonment;
(3) A first violation with a total quantity of two cartons of cigarettes or more shall be punishable by a fine of $2,000.00 or five times the retail value of the cigarettes involved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five years, or both the fine and imprisonment; and
(4) A subsequent violation with a quantity of two cartons of cigarettes or more shall be punishable by a fine of $50,000.00 or five times the retail value of the cigarettes involved, whichever is greater, or imprisonment not to exceed five years, or both the fine and imprisonment.
(b) An act committed by or on behalf of a licensed cigarette manufacturer, cigarette importer, cigarette distributor, or cigarette dealer in violation of paragraph (2) or (4) of subsection (a) of this Code section shall also result in the revocation of the license by the department pursuant to Code Section 48-11-6.
(c) Any counterfeit cigarette seized by or at the direction of the commissioner shall be destroyed by the commissioner or his or her designee. Any related machinery seized by or at the direction of the commissioner may be sold by the commissioner at public auction in accordance with the requirements of Code Section 48-11-9."


(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this Act shall become effective on July 1, 2012.
(b) Part II of this Act shall become effective on April 10, 2013, on which date the amendments made to Code Section 48-11-3 by Part I of this Act shall stand repealed.

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.