11 AM 33 1023

Senators Jones of the 10th, Hooks of the 14th, Jackson of the 2nd, Stoner of the 6th and Butler of the 55th offered the following amendment:

Amend the Senate Higher Education Committee substitute to HB 326 (LC 33 4133-ECS) by striking lines 160 through 162 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(18) 'Mandatory fees' means fees approved by the Georgia Student Finance Commission that are charged by a postsecondary institution to every student enrolled in that institution, regardless of the student's program of study.

By striking lines 192 through 217 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(27) 'Zell Miller Scholar' means any student that has met the applicable eligibility requirements to receive a HOPE scholarship under Code Section 20-3-519.2 and:
(A) As an incoming freshman:
(i) Having graduated from high school in the top 3 percent of their graduating class; or
(ii) Having completed a home study program meeting the requirements of subsection (c) of Code Section 20-2-690 and earning a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3 at an eligible postsecondary institution at the end of the quarter or semester in which the student has attempted 45 quarter hours or 30 semester hours, provided that such student shall be eligible to receive a retroactive scholarship for such student's freshman year to be paid at the end of the freshman year; and
(B) As a sophomore, junior, senior, or first professional student who met the requirements of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, having a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.3 at the checkpoints set forth in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of Code Section 20-3-519.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a student that entered an eligible postsecondary institution as a freshman between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2011, and met the requirements of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph may become a Zell Miller Scholar as a sophomore, junior, senior, or first professional student.
A student that loses eligibility to be a Zell Miller Scholar for any reason may regain eligibility one time if the student requalifies at one of the checkpoints set forth in paragraph (1) of subsection (b) of Code Section 20-3-519.2."

By striking lines 498 through 504 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
(f) For each semester of eligibility, Zell Miller Scholars shall be awarded an amount in addition to the HOPE award amount as follows:
(1) If attending an eligible public institution, an amount equal to the difference between the HOPE award amount and the then current academic year standard undergraduate tuition amount at the institution to be paid, including approved mandatory fees, and a book allowance not to exceed $100.00 per quarter or $150.00 per semester; and
(2) If attending an eligible private institution, an amount equal to the difference between the HOPE award amount and the HOPE tuition payment.

By striking lines 602 through 605 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
A HOPE scholarship and a HOPE grant may be applied only to tuition, mandatory fees, and book costs. In no case shall a HOPE scholarship or HOPE grant exceed a student's tuition, except for Zell Miller Scholars who are eligible for mandatory fees and book allowances pursuant to subsection (f) of Code Section 20-3-519.2."