09 AM 35 0160

Senator Harbison of the 15th offered the following amendment:

Amend the Senate Finance Committee substitute to HB 304 (LC 18 8395S) on line 1 by inserting after "To" the following: amend Code Section 48-5-48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the state-wide homestead exemption for disabled veterans, so as to extend the exemption; to and by renumbering Sections 2 and 3 as Sections 3 and 4, respectively, and by inserting between lines 6 and 7 the following:
Code Section 48-5-48 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the state-wide homestead exemption for disabled veterans, is amended by adding the following:
"(b.1) The unremarried surviving spouse or minor children of any disabled veteran shall also be entitled to an exemption of the greater of $32,500.00 or the maximum amount on a homestead, or any subsequent homestead within the same county, where such spouse or minor children continue to occupy the home as a homestead, such exemption being from ad valorem taxation for state, county, municipal, and school purposes."