10 LC 38 1142
House Bill 1487
By: Representatives Bruce of the 64th, Dobbs of the 53rd, Jones of the 44th, Kaiser of the 59th, Taylor of the 55th, and others


To amend an Act creating and establishing a purchasing department in certain counties of this state, approved March 27, 1941 (Ga. L. 1941, p. 408), as amended, particularly by an Act approved April 29, 1975 (Ga. L. 1975, p. 1147), an Act approved March 25, 1980 (Ga. L. 1980, p. 3858), an Act approved April 13, 1993 (Ga. L. 1993, p. 288), and an Act approved April 2, 1998 (Ga. L. 1998, p. 583), so as to change counties to which such Act is applicable; to change the provisions relative to public letting and bids; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.


An Act creating and establishing a purchasing department in certain counties of this state, approved March 27, 1941 (Ga. L. 1941, p. 408), as amended, particularly by an Act approved April 29, 1975 (Ga. L. 1975, p. 1147), an Act approved March 25, 1980 (Ga. L. 1980, p. 3858), an Act approved April 13, 1993 (Ga. L. 1993, p. 288), and an Act approved April 2, 1998 (Ga. L. 1998, p. 583) is amended by revising Section 1 as follows:

There is hereby created in each county in this State having a population of eight hundred fifty thousand or more according to the United States Census of 2000, or any future United States census, a County Purchasing Department, which shall be set up, established and maintained under the jurisdiction of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, or other county authority."

Said Act is further amended by revising Section 9 as follows:

(a) If the county requires work, labor, supplies, materials, and equipment that requires an expenditure of more than $50,000.00, such work, labor, supplies, materials, or equipment shall be procured only by contract on public letting founded on sealed bids under such regulations as shall be made by the board of commissioners or other county authority. The terms of such contracts, subject to such regulations and in conformity with law, shall be settled by the county attorney as an act of preliminary specification to a proposal for bids. (b) The agency letting the contract and the board of commissioners may reject all bids that the board determines not to be in the best interest of the county. The agency shall whenever possible award a contract procured pursuant to this Section to the lowest responsible bidder. If the agency awards a contract to a bidder that was not the lowest submitted bid, such agency shall document the reasons for such award.
(c) Bids submitted to a county or county agency pursuant to this Section shall not be accepted after the time limit stated in the proposal for bids and shall not be opened except in the presence of both the county purchasing agent or such agent's designee and the head of the agency requesting the items. The bids shall be decided by the agency letting the contract."

This Act shall become effective upon its approval by the Governor or upon its becoming law without such approval.

All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.