09 AM 36 0102

Senator Moody of the 56th offered the following amendment:

Amend amendment # 1 to HB 115 AM 36 0159 by striking lines 6 through 102 and inserting in its place the following:

Code Section 3-3-23.1, relating to procedures and penalties upon certain violations, is amended by adding a new subsection as follows:
"(g) When a licensee under this title or a person who is in the employ of a licensee under this title is convicted of providing any alcoholic beverage to a person under 21 years of age in violation of paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of Code Section 3-3-23, then such licensee´s license or licenses under this title and the license or licenses issued for the premises where such violation occurred shall be canceled. Before the cancellation of any license pursuant to this subsection, the licensee or the holder of the license for the licensed premises shall be afforded a hearing with an opportunity to present evidence and cross-examine opposing witnesses. No license to sell alcoholic beverages shall be issued to the licensee or for the licensed premises for a period of two years from the date of the cancellation. For purposes of this subsection, 'licensed premises' means any premises in which alcoholic beverages are sold or dispensed and shall include any premises which are required by law to be licensed to sell or dispense alcoholic beverages."