12 AM 39 0032

Senator Mullis of the 53rd offered the following amendment:

Amend the Senate Transportation Committee substitute to HB 1052 (LC 39 0250S) by deleting lines 14 through 89 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
"(a) The On and after January 1, 2013, the Board of Directors of the Authority shall be reconstituted and composed of 18 11 voting members and one nonvoting member. Four Three members shall be residents of the City of Atlanta to be nominated by the Mayor and elected by the City Council; five four members shall be residents of DeKalb County with three of the four appointees to be appointed by the local governing body thereof Board of Commissioners of DeKalb County and at least one of such appointees shall be a resident of that portion of DeKalb County lying south of the southernmost corporate boundaries of the City of Decatur and at least one of such appointees shall be a resident of that portion of DeKalb County lying north of the southernmost corporate boundaries of the City of Decatur and the fourth appointee to be appointed by a majority vote of a caucus of mayors of the municipalities located wholly in DeKalb County; three members shall be residents of Fulton County to be appointed by the local governing body thereof, and at least and one of such appointees members shall be a resident of that portion of Fulton County lying south of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta to be appointed by the local governing body of Fulton County and two of such members shall be residents of that portion of Fulton County lying north of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta to be appointed by a majority vote of a caucus of mayors of the municipalities of Fulton County lying north of the City of Atlanta; one member shall be the executive director of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority; and one nonvoting member shall be the planning director of the Department of Transportation. Those board members appointed by a local governing authority as described in this section in office as of January 1, 2013, shall serve initial terms of office as follows: two of the three appointees of the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners, two of the three appointees of the mayor and city council of Atlanta, and one of the two appointees of the caucus of mayors from municipalities lying north of the City of Atlanta shall serve a term of two years, and the remaining appointees shall serve for terms of four years. Each local governing authority or caucus shall designate which board members shall serve an initial term of two years no later than November 1, 2012. and that membership position held by a Fulton County resident, appointed by the local governing body of that county, the term of which position expires December 31, 1988, shall, beginning on and after January 1, 1989, be filled by the local governing body of Fulton County appointing a person who is a resident of that portion of Fulton County lying north of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta; one member shall be a resident of Clayton County to be appointed by the local governing body thereof; and one member shall be a resident of Gwinnett County to be appointed by the local governing body thereof. Four members, representing the State, shall be as follows: the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation who shall be an ex officio member; the State Revenue Commissioner who shall be an ex officio member; the Executive Director of the State Properties Commission who shall be an ex officio member; and the Executive Director of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority who shall be an ex officio member. The first member who must be a resident of that portion of Fulton County lying south of the corporate limits of the City of Atlanta shall be appointed by the governing body of Fulton County to take office on July 1, 1985, for an initial term ending December 31, 1986. The two members who are DeKalb County residents and appointed by the governing authority thereof and who are added by this paragraph shall each be appointed by the governing body of DeKalb County to take office on July 1, 1985, for an initial term ending December 31, 1986. After the initial terms of those three members added to the Board in 1985, After the initial two-year terms of those five board members described in this subsection, that governing body which appointed the member for that initial term to that office shall appoint successors thereto for terms of office of four years in the same manner that such governing body makes its other appointments to the Board.
The initial terms of the four members added in 1976 by the above paragraph shall be as follows: the member from DeKalb County to be appointed by the local governing body of DeKalb County shall be appointed no later than sixty days after the effective date of this subsection for a term ending December 31, 1978, and shall take office immediately upon appointment; the Commissioner of the Department of Transportation, the State Revenue Commissioner and the Executive Director of the State Properties Commission shall become members of the Board on the effective date of this subsection and shall serve while holding their State offices.
The Executive Director of the Georgia Regional Transportation Authority shall become a voting member of the Board on the effective date of this sentence and shall serve while holding his or her State office. The planning director of the Department of Transportation shall become a nonvoting member of the Board on the effective date of this sentence and shall serve while holding his or her State office.
Except as provided above, all appointments shall be for terms of four years except that a vacancy caused otherwise than by expiration shall be filled for the unexpired portion thereof by the local governing body which made the original appointment to the vacant position, or its successor in office. A member of the Board may be appointed to succeed himself or herself for one four-year term; provided, however, that board membership prior to January 1, 2013, shall not be considered in calculating limits on length of service. Appointments to fill expiring terms shall be made by the local governing body prior to the expiration of the term, but such appointments shall not be made more than thirty days prior to the expiration of the term. Members appointed to the Board shall serve for the terms of office specified in this section and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified.

By deleting line 141 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
be paid to any such member for more than 130 days in any one calendar year for the Chairperson and 75 days in any one calendar year for other members of the Board. If the

By deleting "$25,000.00" and replacing it with "$5,000.00" and inserting "in any one-year period" between "more" and "shall" on line 187.

By deleting "until June 2, 2016" on line 245 and replacing it with "through June 30, 2016"

By deleting lines 315-317 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
This Act shall become effective on January 1, 2013; provided, however, that for purposes of making appointments to the Board of Directors of the Authority, Section 1 shall become effective on July 1, 2012, and shall become effective for all other purposes on January 1, 2013.