Florida Senate - 2010                            (NP)    SR 2832 
By Senator Deutch 
30-03856-10                                           20102832__ 
1                          Senate Resolution 
2         A resolution recognizing May 1, 2010, as “Silver Star 
3         Service Banner Day” in Florida. 
5         WHEREAS, for more than 200 years, individuals from all 
6  walks of life have taken up arms and sworn an oath to support 
7  and defend the principles upon which our country was founded, 
8  and 
9         WHEREAS, throughout our history, courageous men and women 
10  have donned the uniform of our Armed Forces and built a noble 
11  tradition of faithful and dedicated service to our nation, and 
12         WHEREAS, the State of Florida has always honored the great 
13  sacrifice of men and women in the Armed Forces, and 
14         WHEREAS, all Floridians are encouraged to remember and 
15  reflect upon the great sacrifices that our wounded soldiers have 
16  made to preserve the ideals and freedoms of our nation, and 
17         WHEREAS, we can never fully repay our debt of gratitude to 
18  those heroic men and women who served, many of whom were wounded 
19  or killed in battle, and 
20         WHEREAS, the Silver Star Families of America provide Silver 
21  Star banners, flags, and care packages to wounded and sick 
22  veterans in this state and across the nation, and 
23         WHEREAS, the sole mission of the Silver Star Families of 
24  America is to promote recognition and remembrance of the great 
25  sacrifices made for the United States of America by members of 
26  the Armed Forces through the display of Silver Star banners and 
27  flags, NOW, THEREFORE, 
29  Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida: 
31         That May 1, 2010, is recognized as “Silver Star Service 
32  Banner Day” in Florida.