Florida Senate - 2010                                   SJR 2704 
By Senator Richter 
37-01629-10                                           20102704__ 
1                       Senate Joint Resolution 
2         A joint resolution proposing the creation of Section 
3         28 of Article I of the State Constitution, relating to 
4         guaranteeing the right to vote by secret ballot. 
6  Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 
8         That the following creation of Section 28 of Article I of 
9  the State Constitution is agreed to and shall be submitted to 
10  the electors of this state for approval or rejection at the next 
11  general election or at an earlier special election specifically 
12  authorized by law for that purpose: 
13                              ARTICLE I 
14                        DECLARATION OF RIGHTS 
15         SECTION 28. Fundamental right to vote by secret ballot.—The 
16  right of individuals to vote by secret ballot is fundamental. 
17  Where local, state, or federal law requires elections by the 
18  people for public office, requires public votes by the people on 
19  initiatives or referenda, or requires designations or 
20  authorizations of employee representation, the right of 
21  individuals to vote by secret ballot is guaranteed. 
22         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be 
23  placed on the ballot: 
24                      CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 
25                        ARTICLE I, SECTION 28 
27  an amendment to the State Constitution to declare that the right 
28  of individuals to vote by secret ballot is fundamental and, 
29  where local, state, or federal law requires elections by the 
30  people for public office, requires public votes by the people on 
31  initiatives or referenda, or requires designations or 
32  authorizations of employee representation, the amendment 
33  guarantees the right of individuals to vote by secret ballot.