Florida Senate - 2010                             CS for SB 1416 
By the Committee on General Government Appropriations; and 
Senator Baker 
601-03255-10                                          20101416c1 
1                        A bill to be entitled 
2         An act implementing the 2010-2011 General 
3         Appropriations Act; providing legislative intent; 
4         amending s. 253.034, F.S.; delaying the expiration of 
5         provisions authorizing the deposit of funds derived 
6         from the sale of property by the Department of Citrus 
7         into the Citrus Advertising Trust Fund; reenacting s. 
8         255.518(1)(b), F.S., relating to the payment of 
9         obligations during the construction of a facility 
10         financed by such obligations; providing for the future 
11         expiration of certain amendments to such provision and 
12         for the reversion of statutory text; amending s. 
13         373.59, F.S.; delaying the expiration of provisions 
14         providing for the allocation of moneys from the Water 
15         Management Lands Trust Fund for certain purposes; 
16         amending s. 375.041, F.S.; providing for the transfer 
17         of moneys from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to 
18         support the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and 
19         Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs, rather 
20         than to the Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust 
21         Fund for grants and aids to local governments for 
22         water projects; providing for future expiration; 
23         reenacting s. 403.1651(1)(g), F.S., relating to the 
24         use of funds from the Ecosystem Management and 
25         Restoration Trust Fund for the purpose of funding 
26         activities to preserve and repair the state’s beaches; 
27         providing for future expiration of certain amendments 
28         to such provision and for the reversion of statutory 
29         text; amending s. 403.1651, F.S.; providing for the 
30         transfer of moneys from the Ecosystem Management and 
31         Restoration Trust Fund to the General Inspection Trust 
32         Fund for the Farm Share, Food Banks, and Mosquito 
33         Control program and the Technological Research and 
34         Development Authority; amending s. 570.20, F.S.; 
35         delaying the expiration of provisions authorizing the 
36         Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to use 
37         funds from the General Inspection Trust Fund for 
38         certain programs; amending s. 403.7095, F.S.; delaying 
39         the expiration of provisions requiring that the 
40         Department of Environmental Protection award a 
41         specified amount in grants equally to certain counties 
42         for waste tire and litter prevention, recycling 
43         education, and general solid waste programs; 
44         authorizing the Department of Agriculture and Consumer 
45         Services to extend, revise, and renew current 
46         contracts or agreements created or entered into for 
47         the purpose of promoting agriculture; providing for 
48         future expiration; requiring the Executive Office of 
49         the Governor to sell the King Air 350 airplane; 
50         requiring the receipts from the sale of the airplane 
51         to be deposited into the Bureau of Aircraft Trust 
52         Fund; requiring the Department of Financial Services 
53         to issue a solicitation for office supplies and award 
54         a multiple supplier contract by a specified date; 
55         providing for the effect of a veto of one or more 
56         specific appropriations or proviso provisions to which 
57         implementing language refers; providing for the 
58         continued operation of certain provisions, 
59         notwithstanding a future repeal or expiration provided 
60         by the act; providing for severability; providing for 
61         contingent retroactive application; providing an 
62         effective date. 
64  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 
66         Section 1. It is the intent of the Legislature that the 
67  implementing and administering provisions of this act apply to 
68  the General Appropriations Act for the 2010-2011 fiscal year. 
69         Section 2. In order to implement Specific Appropriations 
70  2379 through 2401 of the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act, 
71  subsection (14) of section 253.034, Florida Statutes, is amended 
72  to read: 
73         253.034 State-owned lands; uses.— 
74         (14) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, funds 
75  derived from the sale of property by the Department of Citrus 
76  located in Lakeland, Florida, are authorized to be deposited 
77  into the Citrus Advertising Trust Fund. This subsection expires 
78  July 1, 2011 2010. 
79         Section 3. In order to implement Specific Appropriation 
80  1708Q of the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act, paragraph (b) 
81  of subsection (1) of section 255.518, Florida Statutes, is 
82  reenacted to read: 
83         255.518 Obligations; purpose, terms, approval, 
84  limitations.— 
85         (1) 
86         (b) Payment of debt service charges on obligations during 
87  the construction of any facility financed by such obligations 
88  shall be made from funds other than proceeds of obligations. 
89         Section 4. The amendment to s. 255.518(1)(b), Florida 
90  Statutes, as carried forward by this act from chapter 2008-153 
91  and chapter 2009-82, Laws of Florida, shall expire July 1, 2011, 
92  and the text of that paragraph shall revert to that in existence 
93  on June 30, 2008, except that any amendments to such text 
94  enacted other than by this act shall be preserved and continue 
95  to operate to the extent that such amendments are not dependent 
96  upon the portions of such text which expire pursuant to this 
97  section. 
98         Section 5. In order to implement Specific Appropriation 
99  1692 of the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act, subsection 
100  (12) of section 373.59, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 
101         373.59 Water Management Lands Trust Fund.— 
102         (12) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (8) and 
103  for the 2010-2011 2009-2010 fiscal year only, the moneys from 
104  the Water Management Lands Trust Fund shall be allocated as 
105  follows: 
106         (a) An amount necessary to pay debt service on bonds issued 
107  before February 1, 2009, by the South Florida Water Management 
108  District and the St. Johns River Water Management District, 
109  which are secured by revenues provided pursuant to this section, 
110  or to fund debt service reserve funds, rebate obligations, or 
111  other amounts payable with respect to such bonds; 
112         (b) Eight million dollars to be transferred to the General 
113  Revenue Fund; and 
114         (c) The remaining funds to be distributed equally between 
115  the Suwannee River Water Management District and the Northwest 
116  Florida Water Management District. 
118  This subsection expires July 1, 2011 2010. 
119         Section 6. In order to implement Specific Appropriations 
120  1763, 1789, and 1790 of the 2010-2011 General Appropriations 
121  Act, paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 375.041, Florida 
122  Statutes, is amended to read: 
123         375.041 Land Acquisition Trust Fund.— 
124         (3) 
125         (b) In addition to the uses allowed in paragraph (a), for 
126  the 2010-2011 2008-2009 fiscal year, moneys in the Land 
127  Acquisition Trust Fund are authorized for transfer to support 
128  the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, the Drinking Water State 
129  Revolving Fund, and the Total Maximum Daily Loads programs the 
130  Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund for grants and 
131  aids to local governments for water projects as provided in the 
132  General Appropriations Act. This paragraph expires July 1, 2011 
133  2009. 
134         Section 7. In order to implement Specific Appropriations 
135  1765, 1766, 1767, 1769, and 1769A, paragraph (g) of subsection 
136  (1) of section 403.1651, Florida Statutes, is reenacted to read: 
137         403.1651 Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund.— 
138         (1) There is created the Ecosystem Management and 
139  Restoration Trust Fund to be administered by the Department of 
140  Environmental Protection for the purposes of: 
141         (g) Funding activities to preserve and repair the state’s 
142  beaches as provided in ss. 161.091-161.212. 
143         Section 8. The amendment to s. 403.1651(1)(g), Florida 
144  Statutes, as carried forward by this act from chapter 2009-82, 
145  Laws of Florida, shall expire July 1, 2011, and the text of that 
146  subsection shall revert to that in existence on June 30, 2009, 
147  except that any amendments to such text enacted other than by 
148  this act shall be preserved and continue to operate to the 
149  extent that such amendments are not dependent upon the portions 
150  of such text which expire pursuant to this section. 
151         Section 9. In order to implement Specific Appropriations 
152  1396A, 1456, 1491A, and 1493A of the 2010-2011 General 
153  Appropriations Act, subsection (3) is added to section 403.1651, 
154  Florida Statutes, to read: 
155         403.1651 Ecosystem Management and Restoration Trust Fund.— 
156         (3) For the 2010-2011 fiscal year only, moneys in the 
157  Ecosystems Management and Restoration Trust Fund are authorized 
158  for transfer to the General Inspection Trust Fund in the 
159  Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for the Farm 
160  Share, Food Banks, and Mosquito Control programs, and the 
161  Technological Research and Development Authority. 
162         Section 10. In order to implement Specific Appropriations 
163  1378 through 1538 of the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act, 
164  subsection (2) of section 570.20, Florida Statutes, is amended 
165  to read: 
166         570.20 General Inspection Trust Fund.— 
167         (2) For the 2010-2011 2009-2010 fiscal year only and 
168  notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, in 
169  addition to the spending authorized in subsection (1), moneys in 
170  the General Inspection Trust Fund may be appropriated for 
171  programs operated by the department which are related to the 
172  programs authorized by this chapter. This subsection expires 
173  July 1, 2011 2010. 
174         Section 11. In order to implement Specific Appropriation 
175  1833 of the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act, subsection (7) 
176  of section 403.7095, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 
177         403.7095 Solid waste management grant program.— 
178         (7) Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the 
179  contrary, and for the 2010-2011 2009-2010 fiscal year only, the 
180  Department of Environmental Protection shall award the sum of 
181  $1,775,207 $2,600,000 in grants equally to counties having 
182  populations of fewer than 100,000 for waste tire and litter 
183  prevention, recycling education, and general solid waste 
184  programs. This subsection expires July 1, 2011 2010. 
185         Section 12. In order to implement Specific Appropriation 
186  1490 of the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act and to provide 
187  consistency and continuity in the promotion of agriculture 
188  throughout the state, notwithstanding s. 287.057, Florida 
189  Statutes, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 
190  at its discretion, may extend, revise, and renew current 
191  contracts or agreements created or entered into pursuant to 
192  chapter 2006-25, Laws of Florida. This section expires July 1, 
193  2011. 
194         Section 13. In order to implement Specific Appropriations 
195  2646H through 2646O provided in the 2010-2011 General 
196  Appropriations Act, the Executive Office of the Governor shall 
197  sell the King Air 350 airplane. The receipts from the sale shall 
198  be deposited into the Bureau of Aircraft Trust Fund and expended 
199  in accordance with s. 287.161, Florida Statutes. Receipts from 
200  the sale are exempt from the service charge imposed pursuant to 
201  s. 215.20, Florida Statutes. 
202         Section 14. Notwithstanding any provision in chapter 287, 
203  Florida Statutes, to the contrary, the Department of Financial 
204  Services shall issue, by January 1, 2011, a solicitation for 
205  office supplies, and subsequently award a multiple-supplier 
206  contract with at least three awarded vendors. 
207         Section 15. Any section of this act which implements a 
208  specific appropriation or specifically identified proviso 
209  language in the 2010-2011 General Appropriations Act is void if 
210  the specific appropriation or specifically identified proviso 
211  language is vetoed. Any section of this act which implements 
212  more than one specific appropriation or more than one portion of 
213  specifically identified proviso language in the 2010-2011 
214  General Appropriations Act is void if all the specific 
215  appropriations or portions of specifically identified proviso 
216  language are vetoed. 
217         Section 16. If any other act passed during the 2010 Regular 
218  Session contains a provision that is substantively the same as a 
219  provision in this act, but that removes or is otherwise not 
220  subject to the future repeal applied to such provision by this 
221  act, the Legislature intends that the provision in the other act 
222  shall take precedence and continue to operate, notwithstanding 
223  the future repeal provided by this act. 
224         Section 17. If any provision of this act or its application 
225  to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity 
226  does not affect other provisions or applications of the act 
227  which can be given effect without the invalid provision or 
228  application, and to this end the provisions of this act are 
229  severable. 
230         Section 18. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010; or, if 
231  this act fails to become a law until after that date, it shall 
232  take effect upon becoming a law and shall operate retroactively 
233  to July 1, 2010.