Florida Senate - 2010                                    SB 1312 
By Senator Wise 
5-01293-10                                            20101312__ 
1                        A bill to be entitled 
2         An act relating to the Florida State Employees’ 
3         Charitable Campaign; amending s. 110.181, F.S.; 
4         deleting the power of local steering committees to 
5         direct the distribution of undesignated funds; 
6         requiring such undesignated campaign funds to be 
7         shared proportionally by the participating charitable 
8         organizations based on the percentage of designations 
9         in each area; providing an effective date. 
11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 
13         Section 1. Subsection (2) of section 110.181, Florida 
14  Statutes, is amended to read: 
15         110.181 Florida State Employees’ Charitable Campaign.— 
17         (a) The Department of Management Services shall select 
18  through the competitive procurement process a fiscal agent or 
19  agents to receive, account for, and distribute charitable 
20  contributions among participating charitable organizations. 
21         (b) The fiscal agent shall withhold the reasonable costs 
22  for conducting the campaign and for accounting and distribution 
23  to the participating organizations and shall reimburse the 
24  department the actual cost, not to exceed 1 percent of gross 
25  pledges, for coordinating the campaign in accordance with the 
26  rules of the department. In any fiscal year in which the 
27  Legislature specifically appropriates to the department its 
28  total costs for coordinating the campaign from the General 
29  Revenue Fund, the fiscal agent is not required to reimburse such 
30  costs to the department under this subsection. Otherwise, 
31  reimbursement will be the difference between actual costs and 
32  the amount appropriated. 
33         (c) The fiscal agent shall furnish the department and 
34  participating charitable organizations a report of the 
35  accounting and distribution activities. Records relating to 
36  these activities shall be open for inspection upon reasonable 
37  notice and request. 
38         (d) A local steering committee shall be established in each 
39  fiscal agent area to assist in conducting the campaign and to 
40  direct the distribution of undesignated funds remaining after 
41  partial distribution pursuant to paragraph (e). The committee 
42  shall be composed of state employees selected by the fiscal 
43  agent from among recommendations provided by interested 
44  participating organizations, if any, and approved by the 
45  Statewide Steering Committee. 
46         (e) Participating charitable organizations that provide 
47  direct services in a local fiscal agent’s area shall receive the 
48  same percentage of undesignated funds as the percentage of 
49  designated funds they receive in the campaign. The payment of 
50  each charity’s share of undesignated funds shall be distributed 
51  in the same manner as the designations. The undesignated funds 
52  remaining following allocation to these charitable organizations 
53  shall be distributed by the local steering committee. 
54         Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2010.